yO mY bOt HaS gLoBaL cOmMaNdS bUt I dOnT hAvE sUpPoRtS cOmMaNdS bAdGe
yO mY bOt HaS gLoBaL cOmMaNdS bUt I dOnT hAvE sUpPoRtS cOmMaNdS bAdGe
15 Replies
I don't know if this is a serious question or if this is a joke?
My bot has global commands but no badge.
How get badge?
We can't help you any further than the support article can https://support-dev.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/10113997751447-Active-Developer-Badge
Active Developer Badge
📢 Holiday Announcement: Discord will not be enforcing the 30-day activity check for active developers until January 2023. Existing Active Developers will keep the badge, and new developers can stil...
Seems like you figured it out though 🙂
@Lioness100 buddy
Supports Commands Badge
NOT active developer badge
Silly Goose.
You know...
This badge
ok don't expect me to read tHiS tExT I have better things to do with my time, I just saw the word badge 🙄
I'm special so I can read 😁
fr 😁
OK but seriously do utilise the support articles and the support website for information @AlphaMinedime
And tHiSiFyInG your text doesn't help anyone 😛