Sapphire keeps taking me in circles! Can't access my Dashboard.

Hello! I just added the Sapphire bot to my server yesterday, and I wanted to make a few edits. I headed over to the Sapphire Dashboard on my browser to log in, but I just keep getting taken in circles. I can no longer access my Dashboard. I've tried clearing my cache/cookies for the site. I've also tried logging in on another device with no luck. I'm stuck on the login page that says "You're currently logged in as _" It shows all of the servers that I operate underneath (photo attached). When I click on the server that I'd like to adjust, the page "refreshes" but then stays where it is. So frustrating! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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You seem to be asking a question related to the "Sapphire" bot, not the "Sapphire" framework. These are separate projects that share the same name but have no relation to one another. You may instead be looking for
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Spinel4mo ago
You seem to be asking a question related to the "Sapphire" bot, not the "Sapphire" framework. These are separate projects that share the same name but have no relation to one another. You may instead be looking for

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