my sapphire bot not picking up any commands, i use message commands
no errors or no logs, no responses either
14 Replies

GitHub - ACGaming1508/Template.ts: Typescript template for discord....
Typescript template for discord.js v14 with Sapphire framework - GitHub - ACGaming1508/Template.ts: Typescript template for discord.js v14 with Sapphire framework
using this template exact same
export class Eval extends Subcommand {
if it’s a subcommand it won’t work as a message command
loadMessageCommandListener = true
Neither of the above, you covered those already. @Krish and @Ararou you guys should read the code before you answer.
Your config.ts has an empty array for prefix yet you're trying to use $ as prefix.
can we remove prefix when
By using slash commands
always mention the bot

2023 and message commands still exist
what the fuck am i supposed to use
idk, a prefix?
and change the prefix value to smth
and not an array
prefix: '.'
So I assumed that's not the actual repo
Please tone down the cursing. You can also ask politely and with normal vocabulary.