[email protected] type level problem

just curious what happen here, is my Option usage is wrong? i wanna check is Some is null for retry, because i can't use async inside match or map
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9 Replies
kyra5mo ago
Do you have this in a repository or something so I can check?
DanOP5mo ago
umm sadly is not yet, because im in rewriting to using your new rewrite of Result and i think my screenshot already showing every context, i can comeback later and tag you when rewriting is done for full context
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kyra5mo ago
I'd really love to compress types anytime But nevertheless you have a pretty complex match that can be simplified Something like
const result = run.ok().mapInto((r) => {
// ...
const result = run.ok().mapInto((r) => {
// ...
But lemme try to investigate this
DanOP5mo ago
wait, let me finish rewriting because i found another weird type problem, i will tag you later
kyra5mo ago
Nevertheless in case of doubt, you can cast it using as Option<GplResponse<T>[] | null>
DanOP5mo ago
just to report, that this one caused "expression is not callable" problem
public isOkAnd<R extends T>(cb: (value: T) => value is R): this is Ok<R, E>;
public isErrAnd<R extends E>(cb: (error: E) => error is R): this is Err<R, T>;
public isOkAnd<R extends T>(cb: (value: T) => value is R): this is Ok<R, E>;
public isErrAnd<R extends E>(cb: (error: E) => error is R): this is Err<R, T>;
also "value: If<Success, T, never>" corrently infer value instead of any type
public isOkAnd<R extends boolean>(cb: (value: If<Success, T, never>) => R): this is Ok<T, E> & R {
return this.isOk() && cb(this[ValueProperty] as If<Success, T, never>)

public isErrAnd<R extends boolean>(cb: (error: If<Success, never, E>) => R): this is Err<E, T> & R {
return this.isErr() && cb(this[ValueProperty] as If<Success, never, E>)
public isOkAnd<R extends boolean>(cb: (value: If<Success, T, never>) => R): this is Ok<T, E> & R {
return this.isOk() && cb(this[ValueProperty] as If<Success, T, never>)

public isErrAnd<R extends boolean>(cb: (error: If<Success, never, E>) => R): this is Err<E, T> & R {
return this.isErr() && cb(this[ValueProperty] as If<Success, never, E>)
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DanOP5mo ago
this one if "value: T" any is infer from Result.err
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kyra4mo ago
Ooh, good catch, thank you I should have the PR done in around 30 minutes, I want to add type tests to ensure this never happens again :) Sorry, I'll have the PR done tomorrow... I got an infinite loop issue in my bot that I need to investigate
DanOP4mo ago
take your time, because i see a lot similiar behaviour at other methods too

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