Snowflake.deconstruct return incorrect value
Hi. Im trying to decode timestamp from message id (
) but it returns me incorrect value - message has been sent at 3:32 UTC and this code returns 1722023722053
10 Replies
Ofc im using
utility@kyra 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 @vladdy
well whats the snowflake
but yeah the logic for snowflakes hasn't changed in ever
Also, that code is used in Discord.js for many
getters such as Message
and... it's accurate to say the least
s!ev [message.createdAt, new Date()];Output: ⏱ 711.58μs
I just realized. Are you sure you're using DiscordSnowflake?
Or how it was called now
Base snowflake doesn't use the discord epoch
thats what they show
I don't know why, but when I've written test for it -> it started working as it should xDD