Commands and listeners
I've been reading the documentation for an hour and I don't really understand how the commands and listeners work. Is it possible for me to be sent the basis of a slash command and a listener that I can use?
6 Replies
there's both a guide that can be found here:
and also there's a repo with a bunch of examples on how to do things ^^
Sapphire Framework
Getting started with Sapphire | Sapphire
To install Sapphire, you need to install both discord.js and
GitHub - sapphiredev/examples: Various examples of setting up your ...
Various examples of setting up your bot with the Sapphire Framework - sapphiredev/examples
Thank you!

Why it doesn't work?
And how SapphireJS knows the event is a ready event and not guildMemberAdd event or messageUpdate event?
because theyre the events emitted fo discordjs. it knows which events each listener belongs to based on the filename or the "event" name for the listener
did you set the right "main" property in package.json?
few words below you can see note
If you pay attention to the example, the "event" field is unnecessary. This allows you to omit constructors when the file name matches the event's name and no other options need to be changed.