How do i delete a slash command?
I Accidentally Created A Slash Command. how do i remove it?
Solution:Jump to solution
Slash Commands GUI
Graphical User Interface to explore and edit your bot's slash commands!
65 Replies
Use discordjs like that
import discordjs then remove it...?
With sapphire you can't
can you remove only 1 slash command?
When you use
body: []
, you remove the all slash command
I think you can, I power on my computer
Waitokie then
does sapphire have discordjs included or do i have to import it myself?
You'd have to import it yourself
okayie then
But btw I'd also recommend
Slash Commands GUI
Graphical User Interface to explore and edit your bot's slash commands!
It's a GUI so you can manage your commands online
oh okay'
No, import it yourself
i dont know which message to set as solved
this or
His message
okay then, thanks for your helps!
@Lioness100's message
done it
hmm yes
removes it without needing token
why am i using htis
i should use the tool you gave me
you can use also this
Discord.js is a powerful node.js module that allows you to interact with the Discord API very easily. It takes a much more object-oriented approach than most other JS Discord libraries, making your bot's code significantly tidier and easier to comprehend.
like that
again. thanks for all your helps. i dont know how much to thank you 2 tbh
god im making alot of text mistakes
Lol np
Btw you can just do
and skip the fetch middlemanfetch just checks if the command exists right?
@Lioness100 every commands are fetch on login ?
it resolve it
Yeah, and gives you an object representation of it
Idk, but it doesn't have to be fetched as long as you have the ID
@Lioness100 it's not fetch by default
Collection(0) [Map] {}
and.. is there a way to send a ephermal message when... a subcomand is r-ran?
in... sapphireJs is this?
it doesn't have to be fetched as long as you have the IDSapphire is just a framework that makes a few things easier in bot creation. Everything you do is still discord.js It doesn't change anything in discord.js
is this correct...?
sorry if i am asking alot of questions
im new to sapphirejs and discord.js....
Have you read the guide on the website?
interaction is undefined
It will guide you through your first command
I gtg, hope you get everything figured out 🙂
Sapphire Framework
Creating a basic slash command | Sapphire
This section covers the absolute minimum for setting up a slash command. We have an entire "Application Commands"
if you want you can voc in a voice channel and i can help you
iran is weird with discord voice channels
just gets stuck on "connecting"
use ?? to use the second instruction if it is undefined or null
maybe your discord, what did you use ? The electron app ?
wait let me switch to my other net
you can try website version
maybe i can join now
#Coding 0?
sorry for my bad english, im french
holy crappo moly. i just closed steam and audio BLASTED
why does steam have its own device driver?????
are u laggy ?
what did you mean ?
my pc defaulted the output device to the steam streaming audio device
which was unplugged
sorry i cant talk btw
dont have a mic sadly
ohhhh wait
i figured it out
dumb me
@Lioness100 is "Her" btw
@Lioness100 sorry
thanks for this
it just amazing
@Favna can I pr a new tag for the delete a command question that recommends either 1. Using that website 2. Using
<client.application | guild>.commands.delete
and 3. Waiting for that BulkOverwrite pr?sure