Button error

anybody knows why this is happening? So I have a ticketing system that just stopped working now, for some ungodly reason, closing the ticket takes ages, it will not close it and then error out.
2024-03-30 20:58:07 - ERROR - Encountered error while handling an interaction handler run method for interaction-handler "ticketClose" at path "/home/container/src/interaction-handlers/ticket/ticketClose.js" TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'delete')
2024-03-30 20:58:07 - ERROR - Encountered error while handling an interaction handler run method for interaction-handler "ticketClose" at path "/home/container/src/interaction-handlers/ticket/ticketClose.js" TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'delete')
interaction.reply({ content: "Closing..." })
const ticketChannel = interaction.channel;
const ticketOwnerId = ticketChannel.topic;
const ticketOwner = await this.container.client.users.fetch(ticketOwnerId);
const logs = interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(config.ticket_logs);
const attachment = await createTranscript(ticketChannel, {
limit: -1,
returnBuffer: false,
fileName: `${ticketChannel.name}.html`,
poweredBy: "Ticker Bots"
let summary = {};
ticketChannel.messages.cache.map(message => {
if (summary.hasOwnProperty(message.author.id))
summary[message.author.id] = { number: 0, user: message.author };
let amount = "";
for (let user in summary) {
amount += `\`${summary[user].number + 1}\` - ${summary[user].user.tag}\n(${summary[user].user.id})\n`;

let key = Object.keys(summary).sort((a, b) => summary[b].number - summary[a].number)[0];
const logEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle(`Ticket Closed`)
.addFields({ name: `Ticket Name:`, value: `**\`${ticketChannel.name}\`(${ticketChannel})**`, inline: false })
.addFields({ name: `Ticket Owner:`, value: `**\`${ticketOwner.username}#${ticketOwner.discriminator}\`(${ticketOwner})**`, inline: false })
.addFields({ name: `Closed By:`, value: `**\`${interaction.user.username}#${interaction.user.discriminator}\`(${interaction.user})**`, inline: false })
.addFields({ name: `Opened At:`, value: `**<t:${parseInt(ticketChannel.createdTimestamp / 1000)}:d>, <t:${parseInt(ticketChannel.createdTimestamp / 1000)}:T>\n<t:${parseInt(ticketChannel.createdTimestamp / 1000)}:R>**`, inline: false })
.addFields({ name: `Closed At:`, value: `**<t:${parseInt(Date.now() / 1000)}:d>, <t:${parseInt(Date.now() / 1000)}:T>\n<t:${parseInt(Date.now() / 1000)}:R>**`, inline: false })
.addFields({ name: `Users In ticket:`, value: `**${amount}**`, inline: false })
.addFields({ name: `Most Active:`, value: `**${summary[key].user.tag}\(${summary[key].user})**`, inline: true })
await logs.send({ embeds: [logEmbed], files: [attachment] });
await interaction.channel.delete();
interaction.reply({ content: "Closing..." })
const ticketChannel = interaction.channel;
const ticketOwnerId = ticketChannel.topic;
const ticketOwner = await this.container.client.users.fetch(ticketOwnerId);
const logs = interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(config.ticket_logs);
const attachment = await createTranscript(ticketChannel, {
limit: -1,
returnBuffer: false,
fileName: `${ticketChannel.name}.html`,
poweredBy: "Ticker Bots"
let summary = {};
ticketChannel.messages.cache.map(message => {
if (summary.hasOwnProperty(message.author.id))
summary[message.author.id] = { number: 0, user: message.author };
let amount = "";
for (let user in summary) {
amount += `\`${summary[user].number + 1}\` - ${summary[user].user.tag}\n(${summary[user].user.id})\n`;

let key = Object.keys(summary).sort((a, b) => summary[b].number - summary[a].number)[0];
const logEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle(`Ticket Closed`)
.addFields({ name: `Ticket Name:`, value: `**\`${ticketChannel.name}\`(${ticketChannel})**`, inline: false })
.addFields({ name: `Ticket Owner:`, value: `**\`${ticketOwner.username}#${ticketOwner.discriminator}\`(${ticketOwner})**`, inline: false })
.addFields({ name: `Closed By:`, value: `**\`${interaction.user.username}#${interaction.user.discriminator}\`(${interaction.user})**`, inline: false })
.addFields({ name: `Opened At:`, value: `**<t:${parseInt(ticketChannel.createdTimestamp / 1000)}:d>, <t:${parseInt(ticketChannel.createdTimestamp / 1000)}:T>\n<t:${parseInt(ticketChannel.createdTimestamp / 1000)}:R>**`, inline: false })
.addFields({ name: `Closed At:`, value: `**<t:${parseInt(Date.now() / 1000)}:d>, <t:${parseInt(Date.now() / 1000)}:T>\n<t:${parseInt(Date.now() / 1000)}:R>**`, inline: false })
.addFields({ name: `Users In ticket:`, value: `**${amount}**`, inline: false })
.addFields({ name: `Most Active:`, value: `**${summary[key].user.tag}\(${summary[key].user})**`, inline: true })
await logs.send({ embeds: [logEmbed], files: [attachment] });
await interaction.channel.delete();
1 Reply
Favna9mo ago
Button... Button... Do you have aggressive caching configured? Could it be the button is clicking way after created (the limit would be 15 minutes if i remember correctly) and delete is called on interaction.channel so it could be uncached by that time. Maybe try calling await interaction.channel.fetch() first?
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