Message commands help

Hey I started my journey with sapphire today and can't seem to make message command's work This is my code so far
import "@sapphire/plugin-i18next/register";
import { LogLevel } from "@sapphire/framework";
import { GatewayIntentBits } from "discord.js";
import { config } from "./export.js";
import Client from "./structures/client.js";
export const client = new Client({
intents: [
fetchPrefix: async () => {
return config.PREFIX;
i18n: {
fetchLanguage: async () => {
return "en-US";
loadMessageCommandListeners: true,
logger: {
level: LogLevel.Debug,
import "@sapphire/plugin-i18next/register";
import { LogLevel } from "@sapphire/framework";
import { GatewayIntentBits } from "discord.js";
import { config } from "./export.js";
import Client from "./structures/client.js";
export const client = new Client({
intents: [
fetchPrefix: async () => {
return config.PREFIX;
i18n: {
fetchLanguage: async () => {
return "en-US";
loadMessageCommandListeners: true,
logger: {
level: LogLevel.Debug,
import { Command } from "@sapphire/framework";
import { i18next } from "@sapphire/plugin-i18next";
import type { Message } from "discord.js";

export class PingCommand extends Command {
constructor(context: Command.LoaderContext, options: Command.Options) {
super(context, {
name: "ping",
aliases: ["p"],
description: "Shows the latency of the bot.",
public registerApplicationCommands(registry: Command.Registry) {
//redacted to save writing space

public async messageRun(message: Message) {
const time =;
const msg = await message.reply({ content: "Pinging..." });

const roundTripTime = - time;
const wsPing =;

return msg.edit(
i18next.t("commands:ping", {
roundTime: roundTripTime,
ping: wsPing.toFixed(),
public async chatInputRun(interaction: Command.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
//redacted to save writing space
import { Command } from "@sapphire/framework";
import { i18next } from "@sapphire/plugin-i18next";
import type { Message } from "discord.js";

export class PingCommand extends Command {
constructor(context: Command.LoaderContext, options: Command.Options) {
super(context, {
name: "ping",
aliases: ["p"],
description: "Shows the latency of the bot.",
public registerApplicationCommands(registry: Command.Registry) {
//redacted to save writing space

public async messageRun(message: Message) {
const time =;
const msg = await message.reply({ content: "Pinging..." });

const roundTripTime = - time;
const wsPing =;

return msg.edit(
i18next.t("commands:ping", {
roundTime: roundTripTime,
ping: wsPing.toFixed(),
public async chatInputRun(interaction: Command.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
//redacted to save writing space
Slash command's work but message commands doesnt seem to work
Okay I fixed it, the problem was indeed very silly I found out the code wasn't running after the canRunInChannel function, I checked what's the function was doing and it was a perms error ```ts async canRunInChannel(message) {...
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31 Replies
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
No description
Spinel9mo ago
1. Which version of @sapphire/framework are you using? 2. What's your file/folder structure? 3. Did you use the CLI to generate your bot? 4. What's your main (CJS) or module (ESM) property in package.json 5. Are you using TypeScript? And if so, how are you compiling and running your code? That is to say, what are your build and startup scripts? - Did you remove your output folder and rebuild then try again? 6. Is your problem related to message commands? Did you add loadMessageCommandListeners to your SapphireClient options Remember that if you are new to @sapphire/framework it is important that you read the user guide.
Favna9mo ago
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 :this:
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
1. 5.2.1 2. Image attached 3. No 4. "module": "src/index.ts" 5. Am using Bun 6. Yes I did add loadMessageCommandListeners to my SapphireClient options
No description
Favna9mo ago
do you also have "type": "module" in the package.json?
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
Yes I do
No description
Favna9mo ago
can you compare your own setup to this repo? this is a confirmed working setup
GitHub - sapphiredev/node-bun-example: A bot starting point with bu...
A bot starting point with bun for dev and node for prod - sapphiredev/node-bun-example
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
Yes my setup is identical
UndiedGFX9mo ago
just curious, is the bot receiving message, i.e do you have message intent enabled?
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
I have enabled intents; the bot will not run unless I have enabled them in the portal and also defined them while defining the Client.
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Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
No description
UndiedGFX9mo ago
can you try creating a listener to see if your bot is getting those messages
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
// listeners/messageCreate.ts
import { Listener } from "@sapphire/framework";
import type { Message } from "discord.js";

export class MessageCreateListener extends Listener {
public constructor(
context: Listener.LoaderContext,
options: Listener.Options
) {
super(context, {
event: "messageCreate",
public run(message: Message) {;
// listeners/messageCreate.ts
import { Listener } from "@sapphire/framework";
import type { Message } from "discord.js";

export class MessageCreateListener extends Listener {
public constructor(
context: Listener.LoaderContext,
options: Listener.Options
) {
super(context, {
event: "messageCreate",
public run(message: Message) {;
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No description
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
Anymore suggestions?
UndiedGFX9mo ago
can i actually see the ping command? and are you sure the prefix is !
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
import { Command } from "@sapphire/framework";
import { i18next } from "@sapphire/plugin-i18next";
import type { Message } from "discord.js";

export class PingCommand extends Command {
constructor(context: Command.LoaderContext, options: Command.Options) {
super(context, {
name: "ping",
aliases: ["p"],
description: "Shows the latency of the bot.",
public registerApplicationCommands(registry: Command.Registry) {
//redacted to save writing space

public async messageRun(message: Message) {
const time =;
const msg = await message.reply({ content: "Pinging..." });

const roundTripTime = - time;
const wsPing =;

return msg.edit(
i18next.t("commands:ping", {
roundTime: roundTripTime,
ping: wsPing.toFixed(),
public async chatInputRun(interaction: Command.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
//redacted to save writing space
import { Command } from "@sapphire/framework";
import { i18next } from "@sapphire/plugin-i18next";
import type { Message } from "discord.js";

export class PingCommand extends Command {
constructor(context: Command.LoaderContext, options: Command.Options) {
super(context, {
name: "ping",
aliases: ["p"],
description: "Shows the latency of the bot.",
public registerApplicationCommands(registry: Command.Registry) {
//redacted to save writing space

public async messageRun(message: Message) {
const time =;
const msg = await message.reply({ content: "Pinging..." });

const roundTripTime = - time;
const wsPing =;

return msg.edit(
i18next.t("commands:ping", {
roundTime: roundTripTime,
ping: wsPing.toFixed(),
public async chatInputRun(interaction: Command.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
//redacted to save writing space
Yes prefix is "!"
import { z } from "zod";

export const config = z
.object({ TOKEN: z.string(), PREFIX: z.string() })
import { z } from "zod";

export const config = z
.object({ TOKEN: z.string(), PREFIX: z.string() })
Favna9mo ago
to your listener can you add console.log(this.container.stores.get('commands')) to see if the command gets loaded at all? s!ev this.container.stores.get('commands')
Skyra9mo ago
Output: ⏱ 805.93μs
Favna9mo ago
should give something like that
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
lemme try
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
command is loaded
Favna9mo ago
can you do the same for listeners to check that the following are all there: - CoreMessageCommandAccepted - CoreMessageCommandTyping - CoreMessageCreate - CorePrefixedMessage - CorePreMessageCommandRun - CorePreMessageParser can you can also try logging this.container.client.fetchPrefix(message) (with the message being from the listener) to see if that actually returns ! not sure what your problem is. It's probably something silly somewhere. Trying to find out what...
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
.map((listener) =>
.join(", ")
.map((listener) =>
.join(", ")
Yes every listener is there [INFO] CoreInteractionCreate, CorePossibleAutocompleteInteraction, CoreChatInputCommandAccepted, CorePossibleChatInputCommand, CorePreChatInputCommandRun, CoreContextMenuCommandAccepted, CorePossibleContextMenuCommand, CorePreContextMenuCommandRun, CoreChatInputCommandError, CoreCommandApplicationCommandRegistryError, CoreCommandAutocompleteInteractionError, CoreContextMenuCommandError, CoreInteractionHandlerError, CoreInteractionHandlerParseError, CoreListenerError, CoreMessageCommandError, CoreMessageCommandAccepted, CoreMessageCreate, CorePrefixedMessage, CorePreMessageCommandRun, CorePreMessageParser, messageCreate
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
Prefex exists
public async run(message: Message) {
await this.container.client.fetchPrefix(message)
public async run(message: Message) {
await this.container.client.fetchPrefix(message)
No description
Favna9mo ago
okay in that case, can you try to debug to see how far sapphire code executes? Either with console logs or vscode debugger endpoints (the latter will be easier if you know how it works). The code will be in node_modules/@sapphire/framework/dist/esm/optional-listeners/message-command-listeners and then the .mjs files starting with CoreMessageCreate and from there you should be able to reason which event comes next by what gets emitted. Some if check somewhere must be going wrong I suspect
Tejas Lamba
Tejas LambaOP9mo ago
Alright lemme see
UndiedGFX9mo ago
favna you should write a page on the guide on how to use vscode debugger, would help a lot
Favna9mo ago
true tbh, though with the insistance (junior) devs have with using console logs I'm not sure how much it'll help ;-;
UndiedGFX9mo ago
many use console.log because they dont understand how debugger works :kekw:
Tejas Lamba
Tejas Lamba9mo ago
Okay I fixed it, the problem was indeed very silly I found out the code wasn't running after the canRunInChannel function, I checked what's the function was doing and it was a perms error
async canRunInChannel(message) {
if (isDMChannel(
return true;
const me = await message.guild?.members.fetchMe();
if (!me)
return false;
const { channel } = message;
const permissionsFor = channel.permissionsFor(me);
if (!permissionsFor)
return false;
return permissionsFor.has(this.requiredPermissions, true);
async canRunInChannel(message) {
if (isDMChannel(
return true;
const me = await message.guild?.members.fetchMe();
if (!me)
return false;
const { channel } = message;
const permissionsFor = channel.permissionsFor(me);
if (!permissionsFor)
return false;
return permissionsFor.has(this.requiredPermissions, true);
No description
Favna9mo ago
perfect! good to hear

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