How to transpile TypeScript using Bun?
I haven't been able to successfully transpile the code and run it using the
bun build
command.9 Replies
When using Bun you dont need to compile at all, just run the TS files without first building.
On a side note, bun can run sapphire code with lesser issues than before? 🤔
I. E. What Is the state of bun + sapphire?
Were there ever issues?
I have been out of touch over an year, I should really run my bot code in bun to see if there's any 🤔
Sometimes a version of bun will have issues, so I roll back to the previous one, but the new 1.2.0 have been smooth so far.
I'm using the latest Bun version and have no issues so far.
What command do you use?
bun start
in package.json: Going to mark the above as the answer because it also covers what I said initially to just use bun start