Disable slash command in MP
Hello !
I don't understand how can I disable slash commands in DM.
I test this in my command options:
runIn: "GUILD_ANY",
But it's not work.
Thank you!6 Replies
they should be disabled in the sense that using them throws the bot to chatInputCommandDenied but they will still show up unless you do not use global registration of the commands but rather guild specific registration
or use integration types to limit to guilds
oh right that's a thing now too I forgot
How to do that?
if your using the builders to create your slash commands, then
otherwise the integrationTypes
propertyhttps://github.com/sapphiredev/examples/blob/main/examples/with-typescript-complete/src/commands/General/ping.ts#L12-L43 has an example of using integration types without the builder
Various examples of setting up your bot with the Sapphire Framework - sapphiredev/examples