props to button
Is it possible to pass props to button ? Like a variable for example
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FWIW for @Spinel (sapphiredev/spinel on GH) we use Redis and for @Dragonite I chuck the data in customId with compression like so:
Keep in mind that customId is max length 100...
dragonite/src/lib/util/utils.ts at main · favware/dragonite
A Pokémon information Discord bot built around Discord Interactions - favware/dragonite
7 Replies
from chatInputRun --> InteractionHandler
And also what about interaction.options ?
It is not (discord api limitations). You have to chuck it in the customId
And somehow pack it in or put a reference then get it from an in memory store or redis or DB
Not sure what you mean by this
I have an addUserOption() in the slash command
So I would like to retrieve the data in the button logic too
Yeah same about chucking it in customId
Thks a lot will try something like this
FWIW for @Spinel (sapphiredev/spinel on GH) we use Redis and for @Dragonite I chuck the data in customId with compression like so:
Keep in mind that customId is max length 100
dragonite/src/lib/util/utils.ts at main · favware/dragonite
A Pokémon information Discord bot built around Discord Interactions - favware/dragonite
Your solution is working perfectly thnks !