Using slash options as text args

Is there a way to use slash options as text args
The answer is still no, slash commands are completely separate from message based commands in Sapphire. You also don't really "define" args for message commands, please see these guide pages: - - -
Sapphire Framework
Using arguments in your commands | Sapphire
This section is only for the message command and is not relevant for the other command types. If you are looking for how
Sapphire Framework
Using options | Sapphire
Now that we've gone over boolean flags, what if we want a string instead of a boolean value? That's where options come
Sapphire Framework
Registering Chat Input Commands | Sapphire
To register a Chat Input Command (also known as a Slash Command) with Discord, you need to acquire an application
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4 Replies
Favna10mo ago
If I unde stand you correctly, that is to say you want to use native discord application command options within non native old style message commands then no. That's like asking if you can use bicycle wheels for your car. Just because they're both wheels doesn't mean one thing goes with the other.
sassanOP10mo ago
no i mean i will define slash options for slash commands then i can use that options in text commands too /cmd value=string !cmd --value=string like that, defining a option once and using it in both slash and text commands i know i cant use slash options in text commands im not that dumb
Favna10mo ago
The answer is still no, slash commands are completely separate from message based commands in Sapphire. You also don't really "define" args for message commands, please see these guide pages: - - -
Sapphire Framework
Using arguments in your commands | Sapphire
This section is only for the message command and is not relevant for the other command types. If you are looking for how
Sapphire Framework
Using options | Sapphire
Now that we've gone over boolean flags, what if we want a string instead of a boolean value? That's where options come
Sapphire Framework
Registering Chat Input Commands | Sapphire
To register a Chat Input Command (also known as a Slash Command) with Discord, you need to acquire an application
sassanOP10mo ago
alright thanks for your help

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