Message Components Disappearing?

I have the weirdest issue. I'm using pagination from @sapphire/discord.js-utilities, but sometimes message components don't show up (although you can see "1/2" in the footer, and there are definitely supposed to be 2 pages). Example in the first image. But then I found some matrix shit, because I took the second image as a screenshot (with message components) 5 hours ago. I check the message now, and the components disappeared, without leaving a (edited) label behind (see third image). ???
3 Replies
Lioness100OP•3y ago
And this isn't happening consistently. Sometimes it works fine The only thing I'm doing abnormally is directly pushing to <PaginatedMessage>.pages instead of using #addPageEmbed(), but again, half of the time it works fine that way Code is as follows:
const handler = new PaginatedMessage({ template: embed });

await Promise.all( (name) => {
const products = await getDerivations(pages, name, creator ?? undefined, count ?? undefined);

for (const [chunkedIdx, chunked] of chunk(Object.entries(products), 10).entries()) {
const display = chunked
.map(([href, { count, title }], idx) => `#${idx + 1 + chunkedIdx * 10} - [${title}](${href}) (\`${count}\`)`)

((handler.pages[chunkedIdx] as PaginatedMessageMessageOptionsUnion) ??= { embeds: [] }).embeds!.push(
new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Page ${chunkedIdx + 1} - Performance Rankings (${name}) (${pages ?? 20} Pages) (Top ${count ?? 20})`)

const handler = new PaginatedMessage({ template: embed });

await Promise.all( (name) => {
const products = await getDerivations(pages, name, creator ?? undefined, count ?? undefined);

for (const [chunkedIdx, chunked] of chunk(Object.entries(products), 10).entries()) {
const display = chunked
.map(([href, { count, title }], idx) => `#${idx + 1 + chunkedIdx * 10} - [${title}](${href}) (\`${count}\`)`)

((handler.pages[chunkedIdx] as PaginatedMessageMessageOptionsUnion) ??= { embeds: [] }).embeds!.push(
new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Page ${chunkedIdx + 1} - Performance Rankings (${name}) (${pages ?? 20} Pages) (Top ${count ?? 20})`)

Doesn't look pretty because I'm writing it for someone who's not gonna read it 😎 the matrix shit just happened again I'm freaking out The components are literally vanishing?? if y'all don't know a solution at least tell me that i'm not going crazy
24•3y ago
is it timing out?!
Lioness100OP•3y ago
What do you mean?

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