How do I check if it goes "@sapphire/plugin-api"

How do I check if @sapphire/plugin-api bot api is working properly, I use railway for production
add a route and see if you can query it. How that integrates with railway is for you to figure out, support for sapphire does not extend to the hosting platform.
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18 Replies
Favna3w ago
add a route and see if you can query it. How that integrates with railway is for you to figure out, support for sapphire does not extend to the hosting platform.
UndiedGFX3w ago
the api should be exposed on the port you specified, use whatever url the origin you set it if railway doesnt give you a url use ngrok to expose it from localhost
Favna3w ago
or port 4000 by default
UndiedGFX3w ago
i had to check the docs if you could set the api origin before i sent it
Favna3w ago better use cloudflare, more reliable than ngrok
UndiedGFX3w ago
or that
RedStar ⭐(-w-)
With railway I can generate the site or use tcp
UndiedGFX3w ago
so you have to edit the origin in your api options to the url railway generates or else use ngrok/cloudflare to map railway's local host to a public url
Favna3w ago
(both ngrok and try.cloudflare are temporary solutions btw, you should eventually get a domain and use that)
UndiedGFX3w ago
RedStar ⭐(-w-)
i already have it lol
UndiedGFX3w ago
if you have a url ready, just set the origin in api plugin options
Favna3w ago
And configure railway ingress I guess. No idea how railway does firewalling / reverse proxying / ingress
RedStar ⭐(-w-)
railway and a docker-based hosting, supports the creation of domains generated as vercel I tested, local goes but I don't know if in production goes In the end it's like you're using a website? right? Do I try cloudflare tunnel?
UndiedGFX3w ago
RedStar ⭐(-w-)
Now goes the api but I don't know if there is a way to merge the two sites Do I try Caddy?