Precondition doesn't return an error message

import { ApplyOptions } from '@sapphire/decorators';
import { Precondition } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { PreconditionOptions, PreconditionResult } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { CommandInteraction, ContextMenuCommandInteraction, GuildMember } from 'discord.js';
import { container } from '@sapphire/framework';
import { Result } from '@sapphire/framework';

name: 'TicketModerate',
export class TicketModeratePrecondition extends Precondition {
public override chatInputRun(interaction: CommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
return this.checkModeratePermission(interaction);

public override contextMenuRun(interaction: ContextMenuCommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
return this.checkModeratePermission(interaction);

private checkModeratePermission(interaction: CommandInteraction | ContextMenuCommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
const member = interaction.member as GuildMember;

if (member.permissions.has('Administrator') || interaction.guild?.ownerId === {
return this.ok();

const { prisma } = container;

return Result.fromAsync(
where: {
channelId: interaction.channelId,
status: {
not: 'CLOSED'
include: {
category: {
include: {
moderatorRoles: true
}).then(ticket => {
if (!ticket) {
return this.error({ message: '❌ Cette commande ne peut être utilisée que dans un ticket actif.' });

const hasRole = ticket.category.moderatorRoles.some(
role => member.roles.cache.has(role.roleId) && ['MANAGE', 'READ_WRITE'].includes(role.permission)

if (!hasRole) {
console.log('❌ Vous n\'avez pas la permission d\'utiliser cette commande.');
return this.error({ message: "❌ Vous n'avez pas la permission d'utiliser cette commande." });

return this.ok();

declare module '@sapphire/framework' {
interface Preconditions {
TicketModerate: never;
import { ApplyOptions } from '@sapphire/decorators';
import { Precondition } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { PreconditionOptions, PreconditionResult } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { CommandInteraction, ContextMenuCommandInteraction, GuildMember } from 'discord.js';
import { container } from '@sapphire/framework';
import { Result } from '@sapphire/framework';

name: 'TicketModerate',
export class TicketModeratePrecondition extends Precondition {
public override chatInputRun(interaction: CommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
return this.checkModeratePermission(interaction);

public override contextMenuRun(interaction: ContextMenuCommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
return this.checkModeratePermission(interaction);

private checkModeratePermission(interaction: CommandInteraction | ContextMenuCommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
const member = interaction.member as GuildMember;

if (member.permissions.has('Administrator') || interaction.guild?.ownerId === {
return this.ok();

const { prisma } = container;

return Result.fromAsync(
where: {
channelId: interaction.channelId,
status: {
not: 'CLOSED'
include: {
category: {
include: {
moderatorRoles: true
}).then(ticket => {
if (!ticket) {
return this.error({ message: '❌ Cette commande ne peut être utilisée que dans un ticket actif.' });

const hasRole = ticket.category.moderatorRoles.some(
role => member.roles.cache.has(role.roleId) && ['MANAGE', 'READ_WRITE'].includes(role.permission)

if (!hasRole) {
console.log('❌ Vous n\'avez pas la permission d\'utiliser cette commande.');
return this.error({ message: "❌ Vous n'avez pas la permission d'utiliser cette commande." });

return this.ok();

declare module '@sapphire/framework' {
interface Preconditions {
TicketModerate: never;
Hey actually this precondition send the console.log('❌ Vous n'avez pas la permission d'utiliser cette commande.'); But there is no message replied to the user
Fixed, the problem was from my chatInputSubCommandDenied
Jump to solution
12 Replies
simnJSOP3d ago
No description
Favna3d ago
preconditions do not automatically send messages, in fact, sapphire as a whole never does. You have to implement this yourself with
simnJSOP3d ago
Yeah but I already have that
No description
simnJSOP3d ago
My precodition are working for the config command for example
No description
simnJSOP3d ago
import { ApplyOptions } from '@sapphire/decorators';
import { Precondition } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { PreconditionOptions, PreconditionResult } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { CommandInteraction, ContextMenuCommandInteraction, GuildMember, Message } from 'discord.js';
import { checkAdministrator } from '../lib/util/functions/permissions';

name: 'AdminOnly',
export class AdminOnlyPrecondition extends Precondition {
public override chatInputRun(interaction: CommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
return this.isGuildAdmin(interaction.member as GuildMember);

public override contextMenuRun(interaction: ContextMenuCommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
return this.isGuildAdmin(interaction.member as GuildMember);

public override messageRun(message: Message): PreconditionResult {
return this.isGuildAdmin(message.member as GuildMember);

private isGuildAdmin(member: GuildMember): PreconditionResult {
return checkAdministrator(member)
? this.ok()
: this.error({ message: "Bien essayé, mais tu n'as pas les permissions nécessaires pour effectuer cette commande." });

declare module '@sapphire/framework' {
interface Preconditions {
AdminOnly: never;
import { ApplyOptions } from '@sapphire/decorators';
import { Precondition } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { PreconditionOptions, PreconditionResult } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { CommandInteraction, ContextMenuCommandInteraction, GuildMember, Message } from 'discord.js';
import { checkAdministrator } from '../lib/util/functions/permissions';

name: 'AdminOnly',
export class AdminOnlyPrecondition extends Precondition {
public override chatInputRun(interaction: CommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
return this.isGuildAdmin(interaction.member as GuildMember);

public override contextMenuRun(interaction: ContextMenuCommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
return this.isGuildAdmin(interaction.member as GuildMember);

public override messageRun(message: Message): PreconditionResult {
return this.isGuildAdmin(message.member as GuildMember);

private isGuildAdmin(member: GuildMember): PreconditionResult {
return checkAdministrator(member)
? this.ok()
: this.error({ message: "Bien essayé, mais tu n'as pas les permissions nécessaires pour effectuer cette commande." });

declare module '@sapphire/framework' {
interface Preconditions {
AdminOnly: never;
But doesn't work with my ticket subcommands
export class TicketCommand extends Subcommand {
public constructor(context: Subcommand.LoaderContext) {
super(context, {
name: 'ticket',
description: 'Gérer le ticket actuel',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket','GuildOnly', 'IsInTicket'],
runIn: CommandOptionsRunTypeEnum.GuildAny,
subcommands: [
name: 'add',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputAdd',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket',"TicketModerate"]
name: 'remove',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputRemove',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket',"TicketModerate"]
name: 'close',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputClose',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket',"TicketModerate"]
name: 'switchpanel',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputTransfer',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket',"TicketModerate"]
name: 'rename',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputRename',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket',"TicketModerate"]
name: 'addrole',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputAddRole',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket','TicketManager']
name: 'unclaim',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputUnclaim',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket','TicketModerate']
name: 'autoclose',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputAutoClose',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket','TicketModerate']
name: 'claim',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputClaim',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket','TicketModerate']
name: 'closerequest',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputCloseRequest',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket','TicketModerate']
export class TicketCommand extends Subcommand {
public constructor(context: Subcommand.LoaderContext) {
super(context, {
name: 'ticket',
description: 'Gérer le ticket actuel',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket','GuildOnly', 'IsInTicket'],
runIn: CommandOptionsRunTypeEnum.GuildAny,
subcommands: [
name: 'add',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputAdd',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket',"TicketModerate"]
name: 'remove',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputRemove',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket',"TicketModerate"]
name: 'close',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputClose',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket',"TicketModerate"]
name: 'switchpanel',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputTransfer',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket',"TicketModerate"]
name: 'rename',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputRename',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket',"TicketModerate"]
name: 'addrole',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputAddRole',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket','TicketManager']
name: 'unclaim',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputUnclaim',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket','TicketModerate']
name: 'autoclose',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputAutoClose',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket','TicketModerate']
name: 'claim',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputClaim',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket','TicketModerate']
name: 'closerequest',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputCloseRequest',
preconditions: ['IsInTicket','TicketModerate']
simnJSOP3d ago
I have a ChatInputSunCommandDenied too
No description
Favna3d ago
simnJSOP3d ago
Sun ? I didn't understand what you mean sorry
simnJS3d ago
Fixed, the problem was from my chatInputSubCommandDenied
Favna3d ago
you said SunCommandDenied just above and in case you copypasted it that wouldve been a typo
simnJSOP3d ago
yeah I just seen that sorry Thank you for your help Have a nice day Enjoying hard Sapphire

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