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SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by simnJS on 2/7/2025 in #sapphire-support
crash when loading a autocomplete
The code show an error when I am trying to use a autocomplete in a command
import { InteractionHandler, InteractionHandlerTypes } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { AutocompleteInteraction } from 'discord.js';

export class AutocompleteHandler extends InteractionHandler {
public constructor(ctx: InteractionHandler.LoaderContext, options: InteractionHandler.Options) {
super(ctx, {
interactionHandlerType: InteractionHandlerTypes.Autocomplete

public override async run(interaction: AutocompleteInteraction, result: InteractionHandler.ParseResult<this>) {
return interaction.respond(result);

public override async parse(interaction: AutocompleteInteraction) {
if (interaction.commandName !== 'panel') return this.none();

const focusedOption = interaction.options.getFocused(true);

switch ( {
case 'panel': {
const searchResult = this.container.prisma.ticketPanel.findMany({
where: {
guildId: interaction.guildId!

// Map the search results to the structure required for Autocomplete
return this.some(
(await searchResult).map((panel) => ({
name: panel.title,
description: panel.description
return this.none();
import { InteractionHandler, InteractionHandlerTypes } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { AutocompleteInteraction } from 'discord.js';

export class AutocompleteHandler extends InteractionHandler {
public constructor(ctx: InteractionHandler.LoaderContext, options: InteractionHandler.Options) {
super(ctx, {
interactionHandlerType: InteractionHandlerTypes.Autocomplete

public override async run(interaction: AutocompleteInteraction, result: InteractionHandler.ParseResult<this>) {
return interaction.respond(result);

public override async parse(interaction: AutocompleteInteraction) {
if (interaction.commandName !== 'panel') return this.none();

const focusedOption = interaction.options.getFocused(true);

switch ( {
case 'panel': {
const searchResult = this.container.prisma.ticketPanel.findMany({
where: {
guildId: interaction.guildId!

// Map the search results to the structure required for Autocomplete
return this.some(
(await searchResult).map((panel) => ({
name: panel.title,
description: panel.description
return this.none();
20 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by simnJS on 2/3/2025 in #sapphire-support
Precondition doesn't return an error message
import { ApplyOptions } from '@sapphire/decorators';
import { Precondition } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { PreconditionOptions, PreconditionResult } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { CommandInteraction, ContextMenuCommandInteraction, GuildMember } from 'discord.js';
import { container } from '@sapphire/framework';
import { Result } from '@sapphire/framework';

name: 'TicketModerate',
export class TicketModeratePrecondition extends Precondition {
public override chatInputRun(interaction: CommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
return this.checkModeratePermission(interaction);

public override contextMenuRun(interaction: ContextMenuCommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
return this.checkModeratePermission(interaction);

private checkModeratePermission(interaction: CommandInteraction | ContextMenuCommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
const member = interaction.member as GuildMember;

if (member.permissions.has('Administrator') || interaction.guild?.ownerId === {
return this.ok();

const { prisma } = container;

return Result.fromAsync(
where: {
channelId: interaction.channelId,
status: {
not: 'CLOSED'
include: {
category: {
include: {
moderatorRoles: true
}).then(ticket => {
if (!ticket) {
return this.error({ message: '❌ Cette commande ne peut être utilisée que dans un ticket actif.' });

const hasRole = ticket.category.moderatorRoles.some(
role => member.roles.cache.has(role.roleId) && ['MANAGE', 'READ_WRITE'].includes(role.permission)

if (!hasRole) {
console.log('❌ Vous n\'avez pas la permission d\'utiliser cette commande.');
return this.error({ message: "❌ Vous n'avez pas la permission d'utiliser cette commande." });

return this.ok();

declare module '@sapphire/framework' {
interface Preconditions {
TicketModerate: never;
import { ApplyOptions } from '@sapphire/decorators';
import { Precondition } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { PreconditionOptions, PreconditionResult } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { CommandInteraction, ContextMenuCommandInteraction, GuildMember } from 'discord.js';
import { container } from '@sapphire/framework';
import { Result } from '@sapphire/framework';

name: 'TicketModerate',
export class TicketModeratePrecondition extends Precondition {
public override chatInputRun(interaction: CommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
return this.checkModeratePermission(interaction);

public override contextMenuRun(interaction: ContextMenuCommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
return this.checkModeratePermission(interaction);

private checkModeratePermission(interaction: CommandInteraction | ContextMenuCommandInteraction): PreconditionResult {
const member = interaction.member as GuildMember;

if (member.permissions.has('Administrator') || interaction.guild?.ownerId === {
return this.ok();

const { prisma } = container;

return Result.fromAsync(
where: {
channelId: interaction.channelId,
status: {
not: 'CLOSED'
include: {
category: {
include: {
moderatorRoles: true
}).then(ticket => {
if (!ticket) {
return this.error({ message: '❌ Cette commande ne peut être utilisée que dans un ticket actif.' });

const hasRole = ticket.category.moderatorRoles.some(
role => member.roles.cache.has(role.roleId) && ['MANAGE', 'READ_WRITE'].includes(role.permission)

if (!hasRole) {
console.log('❌ Vous n\'avez pas la permission d\'utiliser cette commande.');
return this.error({ message: "❌ Vous n'avez pas la permission d'utiliser cette commande." });

return this.ok();

declare module '@sapphire/framework' {
interface Preconditions {
TicketModerate: never;
Hey actually this precondition send the console.log('❌ Vous n'avez pas la permission d'utiliser cette commande.'); But there is no message replied to the user
20 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by simnJS on 1/31/2025 in #sapphire-support
Use precondition on subcommands
Hey how to use preconditions on sub commands ?
5 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by simnJS on 8/20/2024 in #sapphire-support
Using sapphire paginator is it possible to customize the pages names ?
No description
60 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by simnJS on 8/6/2024 in #sapphire-support
Is there a way to hide command if the user doesn't have the precondition ?
No description
17 replies
Created by simnJS on 8/5/2024 in #help-and-questions
Issue with prisma optimize
Hello, I have an issue with prisma optimize Error: prisma:client:operation span is expected to be entered in the client extension when tracing is enabled at Array.$allOperations (C:\Users\simon\Desktop\diamond-presence\node_modules@prisma\extension-optimize\dist\index.js:4:1103) at C:\Users\simon\Desktop\diamond-presence\node_modules@prisma\client\runtime\edge.js:5:5358 at i (C:\Users\simon\Desktop\diamond-presence\node_modules@prisma\client\runtime\edge.js:20:963) at PrismaPromise.then (C:\Users\simon\Desktop\diamond-presence\node_modules@prisma\client\runtime\edge.js:20:1038) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) Node.js v20.15.0
import './lib/setup';
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client/edge';
import { withOptimize } from '@prisma/extension-optimize';
import { container, LogLevel, SapphireClient } from '@sapphire/framework';
import { GatewayIntentBits } from 'discord.js';

// Extend Prisma Client with the optimization extension
const prisma = new PrismaClient().$extends(withOptimize());

// Define a correct type for the extended Prisma Client
type ExtendedPrismaClient = PrismaClient & ReturnType<typeof withOptimize>;

// Sapphire client setup
const client = new SapphireClient({
defaultPrefix: '!',
caseInsensitiveCommands: true,
logger: {
level: LogLevel.Debug,
intents: [
loadMessageCommandListeners: true,

// Main function to start the bot
const main = async () => {
try {'Logging in');
await client.login();'Logged in');
} catch (error) {
await client.destroy();

// Ensure the container has the correct type
declare module '@sapphire/pieces' {
interface Container {
database: ExtendedPrismaClient;

// Assign the database to the container
container.database = prisma as ExtendedPrismaClient;

// Execute the main function
void main();
import './lib/setup';
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client/edge';
import { withOptimize } from '@prisma/extension-optimize';
import { container, LogLevel, SapphireClient } from '@sapphire/framework';
import { GatewayIntentBits } from 'discord.js';

// Extend Prisma Client with the optimization extension
const prisma = new PrismaClient().$extends(withOptimize());

// Define a correct type for the extended Prisma Client
type ExtendedPrismaClient = PrismaClient & ReturnType<typeof withOptimize>;

// Sapphire client setup
const client = new SapphireClient({
defaultPrefix: '!',
caseInsensitiveCommands: true,
logger: {
level: LogLevel.Debug,
intents: [
loadMessageCommandListeners: true,

// Main function to start the bot
const main = async () => {
try {'Logging in');
await client.login();'Logged in');
} catch (error) {
await client.destroy();

// Ensure the container has the correct type
declare module '@sapphire/pieces' {
interface Container {
database: ExtendedPrismaClient;

// Assign the database to the container
container.database = prisma as ExtendedPrismaClient;

// Execute the main function
void main();
26 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by simnJS on 7/2/2024 in #sapphire-support
Terminal Crash
Every time I stop a sapphire project using watch my terminal crash
15 replies
Created by simnJS on 5/14/2024 in #help-and-questions
// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs:

// Looking for ways to speed up your queries, or scale easily with your serverless or edge functions?
// Try Prisma Accelerate:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
provider = "mysql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")

model Bot {
id String @id @default(cuid())
commandExecutedCount Int @default(0)
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

model Guild {
id String @id
name String
users User[]

model User {
id String @id
anniversaire Anniversary[]
guildId String @db.VarChar(191)
guild Guild @relation(fields: [guildId], references: [id])

@@unique([id, guildId])

model Anniversary {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
date DateTime
userId String @unique @db.VarChar(191)
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs:

// Looking for ways to speed up your queries, or scale easily with your serverless or edge functions?
// Try Prisma Accelerate:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
provider = "mysql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")

model Bot {
id String @id @default(cuid())
commandExecutedCount Int @default(0)
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

model Guild {
id String @id
name String
users User[]

model User {
id String @id
anniversaire Anniversary[]
guildId String @db.VarChar(191)
guild Guild @relation(fields: [guildId], references: [id])

@@unique([id, guildId])

model Anniversary {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
date DateTime
userId String @unique @db.VarChar(191)
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
I got this error : Error: La clé est trop longue. Longueur maximale: 1000 0: sql_schema_connector::apply_migration::migration_step with step=CreateIndex { table_id: (Some(TableId(3)), TableId(2)), index_id: IndexId(3), from_drop_and_recreate: false } at schema-engine\connectors\sql-schema-connector\src\ 1: sql_schema_connector::apply_migration::apply_migration at schema-engine\connectors\sql-schema-connector\src\ 2: schema_core::state::SchemaPush at schema-engine\core\src\
2 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by simnJS on 5/6/2024 in #sapphire-support
Why did I need to restart my discord everytime when I create a new command using sapphire ?
Can I solve it ?
6 replies