Auto-moderation 1.5.4
I don't know what the problem is I have spammed both messages and links but it does not seem to block any of these attempts and gives absolutely no error, I have installed the Auto Moderation 1.5.4 dependency and this is the code

How to make a new line in app command string option type.
.addStringOption((option) =>
.setDescription('set the description of the embed')...
bot cant send custom emojis
i have this emoji in the emojis tab for my bot. i have tried a bunch of stuff but nothing is working
i tried
, :emoji:
, :emoji:id
, and <:emoji:>
but nothing worked.
i tried client.emojis.cache.get("id")
but that didnt work either
i tried using client.application.emojis.fetch("id").then(emoji => console.log(`${}`))
but that also didnt work
can someone please explain how to use the emoji...
Looking for a multi-server box example to referance
Basically as the title says, I'm trying to find an example of a discord bot that is designed for multiple servers that I can referance. I currently run multiple servers that are seperate with their own bots that do their own things. Some of them however do very specific things that another might not do.
I want to get this down to a single bot that handles all this between all three servers but without having all features running for all of the servers its in.
I can ofcourse think of a couple ways to handle this that work but I'm wanting to see how others typically handle it...
Image dimensions
I noticed Discord pushed a change to how images are viewed so you can now see the dimensions in the app itself. Is this something I can access with Discord.js or not yet? Not sure when Discord pushed that.
Inconsistent API Response ?
I have an Bot who should create an text channel
Before creating the Channel, I check if the Bot has permission on the guild and additionally in the category I want to create the textchannel in
Both of these checks return true
Replying to APPLICATION_AUTHORIZED event on a webhook
I've built a small next.js-based application solely for the purpose of sending welcome messages when my bot is added to a user or channel. I have webhook properly registered and tested. However I fail to send the message itself. My part that sends message:
status: 200,
type: InteractionResponseType.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE,...
Interaction Select Menu
Hello i have some code and i have 2 subcommands /setting set and /settings disable
First step after selecting one of these is workin (sending selectmenu)
and in this again if you choose set everythink is working but with disable for some reason it doesn t see that...
Message Object sending ephemeral message
In Typescript, I am trying to use Message Object to send ephemeral message but it seems like that is not possible
Is there a way that I can make the messagecreate function able to execute with the Message object in sending ephemeral messages
form channel returning null instead of the channel object
I ran into this weird problem where the channel object would return null.
ValidationError: Expected the value to be a string or number
Greetings, I recently got a
saying Expected the value to be a string or number
. Below is my code.
const type = new TextInputBuilder()
.setCustomId('SELL_EC_1_TYPE')...Application Commands API does not return localization
Is this intended ?
await rest.get(Routes.applicationCommands(applicationId))
await rest.get(Routes.applicationCommands(applicationId))
Discord bot ( im new to coding bots)
I got some discord bot off github, and updated some coe, i got it on a local host and the only tyhing that seems to work rn is .ping ( which is a reply command, suggesting bot is online)
what do u need to actually make the bot usable ( bot is kind of old ( last update in 2022))...
install error
Hello. When I write
pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
(contributing) I get error
│ LIBTOOL-STATIC Release/zlib.a
│ CXX(target) Release/
│ ../src/ fatal error: 'algorithm' file not found...Help me
I have structured a complete discord bot but I have problems with tickets it does not give me any errors but it does not worka either you can help me even in private please.
Need help with logging system
So I'm working on a bot called "Neonova" that I have made with a logging system built in and I want to log channel permission updates but I'm having trouble doing so.
The following attachment is my code. Is there something I'm doing wrong?...
node.js error
i keep getting this error while trying to start my bot i try to do npm install does not work and npm rebuild dont work either so what can i do
Client.user is undefined even at the fired ready event in discord.js v14.18.0
Hello people!
I was trying to log that my client is ready and with the name it is logged in, but it is just straight up undefined
Bot works but authorization gives errors
My bot code works but for some reason it keeps giving me an error with authentication and the bot refuses to respond to me with this error I would highly appreciate if someone can help me