bot keep disconnecting randomly from the voice channel
Slash commands
Discord voice doesn't play remote audio on linux
...How to use setTransportOptions to set voice bitrate, and 2 channel stereo
Decoding Opus packets from `AudioReceiveStream` using @discordjs/opus
Audio player suddenly ends.

Player plays fine using string but not via createReadStream
Errors compiling discordjs/opus for ARM64 with gcc14
Player State = idle
No audio on Windows 11 when playing mp3 file
RangeError: offset is out of bounds [@discordjs/opus]

Inline Volume not working after starting to play the resource
Am I missing something completely?
No audio on Ubuntu 24.04
No music playback on arch linux.
Trying to make my bot play .mp3 for directory
Error with createAudioResource()
Audio Issues
let api = require(process.cwd()+'/structures/api')...