new SystemChannelFlagsBitField(systemMessageFlagsChange?.new).serialize().SuppressRoleSubscriptionPurchaseNotificationReplies
always false?How to handle unhandled rejections?
client is undefined error
Why are my embeds not sent but Files are?
request and the files are being sent, but not the embeds. Why?
I have based the code on the original code from djs.
payload = {...npx create-discord-bot generates broken code
npx create-discord-bot
and say yes to Typescript, it will create a project with broken code
in src/util/deploy.ts
it says Argument of type 'RESTPostAPIApplicationCommandsJSONBody[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'RESTPutAPIApplicationCommandsJSONBody
on const result = await api.applicationCommands.bulkOverwriteGlobalCommands(process.env.APPLICATION_ID!, commandData);
, its the commandData
part that is showing the issue, I have no clue how or why this happens, for context I originally come from Discord.NET which pretty much hides away the entire command registering behind its RegisterCommandsGloballyAsync
function...Problem with guildMemberRemove.js (duplicate leave message)
Is the promise rejected when a request fails?
Cron Job doing what it wants
Could someone help me with a problem I’m getting
Can't get this to work Interaction failed discord.js
djs v14.16.3 - unknown interaction
djs 14.16.3 - voiceStateUpdate - what do "sessionId" changes mean?
Making a bot - COMPLETELY new
Cannot run node.js
Interaction has already been acknowledged
Following a tutorial from 2020 and unsure of how I'm supposed to define Intents.
Discord.JS First Slash command guide not working
Property 'SoundboardSoundCreate' does not exist on type 'typeof AuditLogEvent'
if(untypedLog.action !== AuditLogEvent.SoundboardSoundCreate) return; // Property 'SoundboardSoundCreate' does not exist on type 'typeof AuditLogEvent'.
if(untypedLog.action !== AuditLogEvent.SoundboardSoundCreate) return; // Property 'SoundboardSoundCreate' does not exist on type 'typeof AuditLogEvent'.