Node Heap Allocation Issue

I don't know why this keeps happening but sometimes when I try to build I get an out of memory issue. I tried giving node 16gb but it just took all of it and threw out of memory again. So I assume this is a memory leak when I run tsc. I dont know why somtimes it worked and other times not but now its not working anymore and I have no clue why or how to fix it. ChatGPT just says well give it more memory. Has anybody an idea? Here is my package.json and tsconfig: (I never had this before and my tsc works fine with other projects)
cant really follow on the discussion there but fixed it for now using pnpm update. I guess some lib was outdated with that bug
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8 Replies
GoosyOP2y ago
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GoosyOP2y ago
GoosyOP2y ago
Goosy2y ago
cant really follow on the discussion there but fixed it for now using pnpm update. I guess some lib was outdated with that bug
Swiizyy2y ago
yes it is 👍
GoosyOP2y ago
thx though
Favna2y ago
@sapphire/shapeshift -> @discordjs/builders -> discord.js it's a transitive dependency

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