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All posts for BattleBit Remastered Official
Ping issue
Easy anti cheat malfunction after installing Delta Force
(I am Australian), no players in servers below 180 ping, if i try to play i get kicked for high ping
IT wont let me in the game it just wont open
Help support : is it possible to connect my discord user to my in game user? For the badge from boos
Is it possible to use sounds from the Battle Bit Remastered game for non-commercial purposes?
A problem with EAC
Can't accept the EULA
Ban for 8 years for no reason
Re-open [Server Whitelisting]
Мне высветилось уведомление при входе о том что я заблокирован.
Let us mute the End-of-Match music. I'm begging you.
Razer hypershift / snap tap
What "TAW" means?
Ban removal
my game canot luntch same with every other battleye supported game like unturned
can someone help me? i keep getting kicked out for having a high ping
No clue how to fix this, help?
where's the normal servers?
Where do i report players?
EA Failed to Initialise
EAC killin me
I'm banned for 5 YEARS for doing nothing
Help create a CLAN!
Double Banned
EAC error 30005 startservice failed with 1275
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable is missing
Ошибка запуска (30005) StartService failed with 1275.
Im apperantly banned?
Cant connect to any server
Help please
Crash at start up. Any advice?
banned problem
Anticheat kicked + make sure error
Help please, i cant play this game. What should i do now?
Anti cheat issue
Patreon Missing
Fix ban my account
the game crashes, how to fix it
South American server not starting
Is This major update coming?
I can't join server...
Compensação de bala a longas distâncias.
after hybernation wake up eac does not let to start the game
I got banned
I get banned for no reason.
Chat messages not working
Lag por toma de punto
Using AntiMicroX to use gamepads
remote in
Midas labs proposal
Переустановил игру
Banned for Message
reverse mousewheel zeroing
Game exits to desktop randomly while playing with no error message
Dev Sniper hat
i got banned for no reason
I don't know how to report this kind of thing, but Rogue Soldiers community server promotes cheats
Kicking from the Server because of Anti Cheat Service
Game stutter for over a year
I go into battle it takes 5-10s the game freezes
Can someone explain
White rectangle on my screen (Can't interact)
How do I use console commands as an admin?
Crosshair help
You were excluded from the game by the anti-cheat service
190-Y-00 BRAZIL SERVER - game doesn´t start
Que se le puede hacer?
Unable to launch BattleBit Remastered any longer on my PC
tomei ban injustamente..
Pls help, all of my redeemed codes got wiped from my account, and I have no idea why: (RESOLVED)
Nickname Change Issue: Old Nickname Displayed and Weekly Challenges Reset
Says Easy Anticheat isn't installed
discord nitro role dont appear
Banned for not installing anti cheat
I got false ban
I was banned for nothing basically
error when linking discord
вылетает игра при подключении к серверу.
Crash on launch from steam
the game wont let me join for some reason
Friend is stuck on "connecting to server and synchronizing" when joing any game
как поиграть 1 на 1 с другом?
how to create local server?
South American server Down again.
Failed to Connect
Claimed skins disappeared
Game often lags randomly
account blocking / appeal
"Pinging Servers" message -- loading forever
Steamdeck no audio
cant open on linux Ubuntu 24 LTS Kernel Generic 8.6
change monitor
Mouse Bug
Random lag spikes
Issues starting up game
Server 188-Z-00 died after voting Oilfields
Проблема с созданием клана
BAN Because Other Game SinglePlayer Priogram
Problem with Global Weekly Challenges?
I was banned for nothing
Вылетает игра каждые 15-30 минут. Что делать?
Тайм аут от серверов (любых (от комьюнити и от офиц.)) time out from servers
Забанили просто так
Easy Anti-Cheat
Проблема с созданием клана.
Game keeps crashing
Help game crashes all the time
Black Screen of Death.
Help Account get banned
Some how i loose this twitch drop skin , what happen ?
bug with easy anti cheat
Какая то игровая ошибка
Ban for no reason
EAC banned
EAC Failed to get to process' path
temporary ban
Where is Asia Server? is it gone already?
I've been banned
False ban
South America Server Is Down
Official server for South America not starting
Can't open Clan Photo File Explorer
Any known reason for players y level not displaying correctly on my screen
Im dumb and mispelled my clan tag
Moving enemy aim guide for sinper?
Ping spikes
NoResponse 1
eac keep getting kicked
Changing default squad to tactical
Hello. I played the game on the beta test. Now it has disappeared from my library, I have been play
Easy anti cheat and two pcs
I just bought this game and cant open it because of easy anti cheat issues.
EAC issue
EAC issue
Game Refund
Recently got WR longest kill and was removed from lb
No bullet holes in windows of heli.
The Ghillie Skin
Would shaders be allowed and if so what would the parameters need to be when i make it
По разбану
easy anti cheat kick
Banned for no reason
I was unfairly banned
Anti Cheat
got banned
auto timeout
skins disappeared
banned for nothing
5+ reports, no ban?
got BANNED for ReShade
I have no audio. Ive restarted my pc and my audio for other things is working fine.
Помогите Пожалуйста!
Where were made models for weapons and armor
Had and still have issue with this error
some1 helpkicked by anticheat whenever i play
подключение к главному серверу
How to solve EAC Kicks
I have been fasle banned
Make Sure game is properly launched with anti cheat services?
Server experience
Помогите мне.
game freezes on launch
FPS/Drops Stutters that occur every few seconds and only happen at high mouse polling rates.
False ban
false ban
Easy anticheat you were kicked
problem logging into the game
issue fixed
death brake dance
Unable to join SFW Asia server
Map editing/public server hosting tools?
My weekly challenges does not save after I leave the game
Please Launch ac services before playing
Everytime when i shoot this menu opens(look at the foto)
Username not updating in game
Black screen
Game doesn´t open
No ironsights or scopes on marksman rifles
About Sacriel skin
Running BattleBit Remastered using Wine on MacOS
Question about patreon only items
Battle bit blue screen
I can't change my binds in settings.
I am in the Far East, and there are problems with ping on Japanese servers, it says that the ping 40
Not launching?
I got banned out of nowhere ?
Banned? Need help 2nd message
I've been banned reason "Easy Anti Cheat" but i haven't played this game since last year.
I haven't played any cheat programs yet, yesterday I was able to play but today I opened the game an
Получил бан по причине "You are banned by EasyAntiCheat"
Бан за треш-ток
Why did you get kicked?
halp me
Account was hacked, the hacker used cheat to play
Game volume doubles (at least) when testing microphone audio.
i have been banned for cheating but i havent touched the game since launch
Weekly Challenges Bug
Hello Lady and Gentleman
banned for discriminatory language (IM SO CONFUSED WTF) - username ClappinJack
Where can I leave a complaint about cheating?
microphone/mic no work
Easy anti cheat
Black Screen?
Controller Not Working
Connecting to Master Server
family sharing problem
Is the water supposed to have this trippy grid texture?
Controller issues
have open ticket regarding network issues,
Infinite connection to the main server
Twitch Drops
Twitch drop
Easy AntiCheat.
Лучшая проблема
eac kick
challenges reset every time I join a server
ping issues
Make sure you have installed EAC
twitch drops
не зарускается игра
Cant load into servers
family share is not supported
voice chat
I can't find this channel
Покупка игры
Бан без причины
Кикает EAC
Game keeps crashing
screen flashing when in fullscreen, how can i solve it?
Wrongfully Banned??
Lost skins
The game does not enter
Banned for doing nothing?
Can I get patreon skins now?
Why Brazilian server is offline
I've Been banned for using German Slang
how to donate
i was just playing fine in the middle of game next thing u know i was booted and banned by eac
Banned for no reason You are banned by EasyAntiCheat
Old PC - Everything worked, New PC - Stuttering, Lag, Generally Unplayable
Ping spam - known cheat?
How to fix kicked by anticheat
Gostaria de foramalizar e deixar claro que: O anti-cheat do jogo é furado.
Banned for no reason. "You are banned by EasyAntiCheat"
Problem with a person from the country Error (Russia)
I was banned for NO REASON!!!
crash on entry
challenges change randomly
Game runs fine and then out of nowhere it'll crash.
Weekly Challenges
Keep getting kicked by EAC
Stutter every 5 seconds
Microsoft visual c++ 2015 redistributable
FPS drops to "slideshow" after few minutes of gameplay
keybind problems
Official progression server banning players for no reason.
Game crashing when loading maps
Бан по ошибке
Забанело при заходе на сервер на 1824 дня Eac Anti-читом
Q: is there a way to place a marker or ping on your Map for navigating?
How can I optimize my fps on this game
Кикает с паблика из за античита
I got banned for slurs
My Global Weekly Challenge restarts everytime I open the game
banned on 2 different account by EAC for no reason and never got help to get unbanned.
Medic ping/notify
Any fixs?
When is the next steam sale I want to buy the game!!!!
Account Banned!!!!
Game starting with a seizure that doesnt stop
Blackscreen when fullscreen.
game staters ALOTT
I was banned dor 1800 days by Easy Anti Cheat
Help with being kicked by EAC
Is it safe to use Lossless Scaling?
Weekly tasks are updated every match. Screenshot for today. Each time a different set of tasks.
Проблема со сменой еженедельных заданий
Everytime an enemy comes into view within a short distance the game freezes
hey i havent played this game for months and i went to download and play again but it says im banned
Easy anti cheat
screen flashing problem
whens the update
Instant Death?
Can't launch from steam
EAC issue - have tried everything
Аnother problem with weekly challenges.
Joy4th Forced Keybinding (DualSense Ps5 Controller)
EAC 20006. tbs,dll missing [Solved!]
Weekly Challenges Issue
Проблема с изи античитом
does the game need help translating inro romanian?
Laggy server
steam opening during game
lag problem
How does recoil/spread work in Battlebit?
soft lock issue extremely annoying
The SA server is crashing.
i need help
claymore wont count as kill
Unable to connect to server Master
Clan creation interface overlap
pls help
What is going on with Support pack DLC 1
i played less than a minute and got this message.
got stuck in connecting to master server.
Claymore kills don't count
losing items and levels
My game is not running smoothly
My progress rolled back
can I measure distance with binoculars
high ping after easyanticheat issues
game wont load
Game not launching from steam (SOLVED)
[AS VAL - Klean] How i can get this skin?
I suddenly lost my supporter package (1) Items
help when entering the map the game crashes
Does it worth it buying supporter pack
where does the boost role show?
"Make sure Easy Anti Cheat is installed and running" cant get it working on linux with proton.
SA server is not being created.
game progression rolled back
kill counter doesnt work
problem changing key bindings
Game is broadcasting voice on open mic without permission
No Engi Kill Counter?
how do you do this?
lag spikes in game
I accidentally messed my resolution up
Ban on a comment I didnt make on a day that was ahead of my timezone
Why does my smoke grenades never work?
Audio keeps lowering itself?
Language setting
No clue
i'm having the "connecting to server and synchronizing" issue
my pc just... shuts down
Game not recognizing any mic input
10% - 20% CPU and GPU
Arabic language formatting incorrect
Fresh install of windows still can’t play battlebit
I got Banned
Just upgraded GPU. won’t stop crashing.
Anyone else having issues launching the game on GNU/Linux?
Bug with controller
Content Creator items?
Awfully low FPS on start and menu + Game not responding
Error 30007
EasyAntiCheat not working on Windows 11
Resolution issue
Move cursor outside of window on multi monitor setup
Rubberbanding and lag spikes on NA servers
freezing and stuttering
Black Screen Possibly?
russian/ukrainian chat
How to host game and add official server
Sniper glint
Hanging Screen
i have suddenly high ping in asian server.
400сек респавн и отключающийся инпут
Black screen forever
Infinite "Attempting to Join Server" after a crash
connection problem on map switch
fps problem
Hi, I was banned not long ago for cheats, as I understand it, but I don't understand how and why
Freezing 3-5 Seconds 15 minutes into gameplay then it stops
Connection issue
Please Help! I just bought this game and i was banned for 1 dy,12 hrs 45 mins 20 secs!!!!!
Where are the crash reports actually generated?
бан EAC
Asian Servers WHERE??
Erroneous blocking
Game Launch error?
Eac not installed
what does this bullet symbol mean
Ping spikes
High ping issue
"Make sure game is properly launched with anti cheat services"
Crash game
Unable to bind key - everything is overriden by JoyX(negative)
Latency issues
High Ping on South American Servers
Ban for something I didn't do
FPS stays around 60 on a 4050
why i banned
Low fps even if battlebit eats 70% of my cpu
high ping official servers only
получил бан
Bipod and secondary scopes
does RCB90 have a Weakspot?
Support Pack 02?????
steam account wrongfully banned
Бан по ошибке
Lag Issues from South American Servers
show button to help friendlies
got banned for 1800 days without any reason
EAC Error
my game isnt launching [c00000fd_EasyAntiCheat_gameoverlayrenderer]
Ping issue
EN | RU - You were kicked by anti cheat | Убедитесь, что игра была запущена с античит службой
EN | RU - Убедитесь, что игра была запущена с античит службой
I was unfairly banned by the anticheat system
M200 vs MSR
I got unrightfully banned from your game. Want help or 15 euros.
Everytime I press the 'exit' button on Battlebit home lobby thing, my laptop screen just freezes.
Ban till 2029.
Endless black screen after death
Where is the cfg file located
Game says i have network issues and stops working
kibble points, what is u use?
keeps telling me to install easy anti-cheat
high ping
помагите пожалуйста я установил Easy Anti-Cheat, он все пишит что он у меня не установлен
always crash...
low fps
frame drops
banned in battlebit while i was in bootcamp on November 15
Massive frame drops on high magnification sights
почти не пользовался голосовым чатом,не использовал не нормативную лексику,получил бан на 4 дня
Ban Appeal
Проблемы с поиском игр
Help please🙏
Internet issues with Battlebit
No response 1
Frame Spikes
Не могу никак подключиться к серверам.
Missing skins
Help! (ENG/PL)
Cant load into games
ban status?
Constant disconnecting
Getting the red bars of death
Серые сервера при запуске игры.
difference in servers
What is the formula for the exp?
lost creator skins
how do you connect your Xbox 1 controller to battlebit
trying to cancel my claan submission so i can join a clan
Cant join any server
EAC issues
crashing [SINGLE_STEP_80000004]
The game crashes when launching some maps
I got banned for no reason
Cannot build
it says 'Family Share' is not supported when I bought the game
Game stuck at risk of seizure screen
crash on startup
Pls help with sounds [FMOD "Error initializing output device. " (60)]
caught a virus while playing
game not open
Latest bags
Anti-cheat prevents the game from working
Voice chat enabled, but cant hear anyone.
Names as Steam ID
Высокий пинг
why do EAC ban me?
power tripping mods and ridiculous bans
Connectivity Issues
Hello, there south american player here
reported for exploiting?
Random crashes after updating graphics drivers
UI Elements freeze game when showing up the first time.
I have a problem with the game opening the windows start menu on its own
Ошибочный бан
Banimento injustamente
No audio (in or out) [FMOD "Error initializing output device. " (60)]
Сервера легли
Бан по ошибке
Failed to initialize player
Game is stuck on "Connecting to master server"
весенние скидки стим
Guide for how to host bbr server needed
Помогите. Не запускается игра из-за EasyAntiCheat.
High ping out of nowhere
Sound bug or smth
Same player being racist every match for weeks
I think I've done *everything* to repair "Make sure the game is launched with anti cheat services"
can't find any server in the list, pls help
The problem with self moderated community servers
Gadget throwing glitch
Rebinding Enter Key
How can I bind my T16000 HOTAS and rudder pedals?
Dedicated server starts rather than game pt. 2
Are there plans to add new types of military equipment to the game
Blocked for nothing
Getting kicked by anticheat every 10-15 minutes
dont open
[Europe Official Servers] - Connectivity/Network Issues
False ban by anticheat
twitch drop skins from summer dissapeared from inventory
black screen on launch
M200 skins
I cant fine any server to play ( The game wont show any server ) I tried redownload the game
Resetting graphics settings
Valley won't load
erroneous blocking
The game crashes when loading to the next map
@OxONEgen has my ipmods are not suppose to have your ip
EasyAntiCheat ban for no reason
Does anyone know how to fix stuttering in game.
I don't get how rangefinders are supposed to help you with sniping
I keep getting this kicked for cheating / trolling message (last time I played is like months ago)
#Server lag
Fix lag dragging with deploy selection screen
help pls
banned for nothing because of EAC
No official server for South America?
mic problems
My girlfriend keeps getting "Kicked by anticheat" midmatch every time we play.
Banned twice. Help!
Я хочу сбросить аккаунт\I want to reset my account
Community Servers Kick Due to Anti Cheat
easy anti cheat not installed?
my game wont run
Make sure you have installed easy anti cheat and run the game
ping (?) problem
playing uses too much limited bandwidth?
ping problem
Twitch Drop Skins
Toggleable Voice chat?
what directory to run eac fix batch
"Loading DLLs" is not letting me join any servers
Why i get ban if i play 2 hours?
after the new skin update i am missing some of my twitch drop skins
IS FPS Monitor flagged by anticheat?
can this game run smoothly on an 4gb i3?
Not able to join server
Game makes my devices not work
When will there be skins for RPGs?
How do I transfer the game settings from another disk?
Ruined texts and design
Server quit
Black screen when die
fix the EU servers dont ask me to elaborate, play the game
"Attempting to join a server" bug
My game crashes every time I try to load into a game.
Game starting server after Unity splash image
black screen on death plz fix the game
How do i get raw sens?
eu servers?
I need help, my resolution is too small
Вечное "Проверка соединения"
Infinite servers pinging
El Juego se me cierra automaticamente cuando entro a un servidor o modo de juego.
Privacy and enforcement issues
Темнеет экран после смерти в бою
Persistent Crashing with no Discernible Source
Is this game DX, OGL or Vulkan
Connection issues
Your hit was denied and oneframe kills
easy anti cheat wont work
Pleasy help me cant see option for clans
My game wont start, it keeps crashing
how to fix "connecting to master server"
What is happening to the servers
Will we ever have a different method of earning skins that arent via twitch??
Clan photo not working
Party leaders are never given the option of what type of squad they operate.
Kicked by anti cheat
Requesting Orders What does it Mean/Do?
New sniper rifles and dmrs
My game keeps freezing mid games, its annoyin and i cant even enjoy the game anymore
my game continues to crash off of launch from steam
#help-support FAQ