after the new skin update i am missing some of my twitch drop skins
not all of them, i still have my favorite skins like my as val from the event with the american flag m4a1 skin, however im missing my aug twitch skin? the basic blocky one and i think im missing a few other random blocky twitch skins for some reason, i remember having all of them before the update even having copys of a few so i dont know how im missing some now? unless the aug skin was added later but im pretty sure i used to have it.
4 Replies
relink twitch
i will try but my twitch is only showing some of the blocky skins i got, it doesnt have the american flag m4a1 anymore or the aug blocky twitch
dope this worked thanks, no idea why twitch wouldnt show me my aug skin but its there now lol, my favorite skin
np, enjoy