Game volume doubles (at least) when testing microphone audio.
The title says it all. When im testing my microphone my game volume gets insanely loud so I can not hear myself thing. I can record a bit of it and leave it in the thread.
28 Replies
kills my ears every time i wanna see if my mic is working
windows input devices misconfiguration
im not sure what that means. could you please explain a bit more?
yea i dont have any idea what that means.
you need to go to your input devices and figure out what exactly mirrors the input
the input from windows settings matches the microphone device in the game settings if thats what you mean?
and i dont see anywhere to choose audio output for the game
sorry im not the best at stuff like this
can you open and screenshot this?
search for "Sound"
screenshot it in full plz
thats the rest of it
just one more thing at the bottom that wasnt fully in the first pic
oh it cut off the top too
right click on Yeti - make it default
preferably disable headset input
im having issues with the yeti so im using the headset mic
oh ok
try disabling yeti then
no difference
did you restart the game at least?
ill answer that question in just one minute
still loud
try reinstalling the game with settings hard reset
1. delete the game
2. search for
, open it as administrator and run next commands:
reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\BattleBitDevTeam" /f
del %appdata%\BattleBitConfig.ini
3. reboot your pc
4. install the gamejust did all these steps and the game volume still gets loud when testing microphone
can you dm me your steamid?
:Info: I have a technical issue, how can I get help? Please, provide your Player.log & Player-prev.log files: * press -Windows key + R
* Paste -C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\BattleBitDevTeam\BattleBit\
- Notice, that if your file extensions disabled, those files would be named just Player and Player-prev.⠀