Instant Death?

OK I know this is going to sound like I'm just bad, but in nearly every game I'm in, I'm getting one or two shotted from guys as soon as I'm within their sights, alot of the times, it's like as soon as I come around a corner. idk if its LAG, as I've never seen what appears to be lag, and I have all green bars. I've gamed for 20+ years, I know what lag looks like, and I'd own up to it if it were that. It ALMOST feels like aimbotting, BUT it happens way too often for so many people to be doing it, esp considering I will be able to sneak up on those players as well. BUT as it stands, my k:d is 0.5 and I'm no tryhard, but I'm not BAD either. I'll admit there's alot of better players too, but again, I'll get instakilled as soon as I come around a corner, or sometimes I'll shoot from a window to someone on the floor, and as soon as they get hit, they'll spin around and shoot me to death within 2 shots. from ARs, from SMGs, even from LMGs, and as an LMG main, there's no way.
9 Replies
𝐆𝐒𝐗OPβ€’10mo ago
heres one example, tho I'll try and record better ones, like the window ones I explained before. funnily enough, another user in my server asked if anyone else was having a similar issue, calling it "desyncing"
MrBusterβ€’10mo ago
ngl theyre just aiming where they know ur gonna peak from head height
Play2BRealβ€’10mo ago
yeah he headshot ya lol
𝐆𝐒𝐗OPβ€’10mo ago
Maybe in those clips, but there's other examples, like I said, Ill be in a window on a 3rd floor, shoot someone in the back, and if I don't kill them quick, they'll turn around and kill me almost instantly. I'm about to goto work, so later, I'll gather more clips
blankspβ€’10mo ago
typical battlebit netcode dont worry just put yourself in a spot where the enemy is unaware and you wont have to worry about being 1framed
Darkbladeβ€’10mo ago
This is partly what I have been experiencing and I chalk it up to cheaters with aimbot but I have no basis to really give proof other than there is just no way they should be able to do what they did. I can be unloading on someone hitting them repeatedly seeing x after x, but they still can turn and instantly kill me. Happens quite a bit where I peek a corner and somehow I get snapped before I can even see who shot me. I could concede they were just sitting there holding the angle and waiting for the first person to walk around it, but I highly doubt anyone is holding still that long in random corners of buildings. doors, and windows just waiting. Again, I have not been able to get proof, but this is a constant issue I have. It takes me 10 shots to kill someone but they turn and I am instantly dead.. Just not buying the skill issue bull.
𝐆𝐒𝐗OPβ€’10mo ago
I would call it aimbotting IF it didn't happen so frequently, you know? And yeah, I experience the same thing. Takes me like 4 to 6 shots to kill someone usually (unless I get headshots), but I get one shotted way quicker almost every time Even sneak attacks ... just had a moment in a hallway where I shot a dude at least 6 times with my SG550 before he died, and then someone with a UMP walked into the hallway from another enterance and one shotted me... Also, Shadowplay doesnt like fullscreen Battlebit it seems...
Darth Jiggles
Darth Jigglesβ€’10mo ago
From look at your clips posted, that looks like a pretty normal death. If you are experience a technical issue, I am not seeing any indication of it just yet. TTK is very low, the fundamental issue of the internet being big and netcode never being perfect, ontop of rough animations can lead to sitautions where this happens. I only have anecdotal experiences to offer back, but, i play the game, a lot, and have been on both sides of the instant death many times.
blankspβ€’10mo ago
again, blame it on shitty netcode there’s lots of times i get what seems to be β€œ1 framed” but on the other player’s end they’ve seen me for longer and they shot multiple times

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