problem changing key bindings

When I change my key bindings, I left click on the key I need to change and it takes the mouse click as an input. How else am I supposed to choose the key I want to change?
do you have a controller or any other HID devices plugged into your PC (besides the mouse and keyboard) controllers, wheels, joysticks may cause issues with inputs...
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4 Replies
some of your connected devices emits mouse click, try to disconnect input devices and then try to bind again
Play2BReal11mo ago
do you have a controller or any other HID devices plugged into your PC (besides the mouse and keyboard) controllers, wheels, joysticks may cause issues with inputs
[121] J.Burns
[121] J.BurnsOP11mo ago
I have a controller. I have a shifter. I have a steering wheel and pedals all plugged in, so that probably has something to do with it. Thank you.
Play2BReal11mo ago
yep thatd be it!

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