I have no audio. Ive restarted my pc and my audio for other things is working fine.
I have no audio in the game at all. ive tried restarting my pc and my audio for web browsers and other games works fine. any tips?
Solution:Jump to solution
try performing settings hard reset
1. delete the game
2. search for
, open it as administrator and run next commands:
reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\BattleBitDevTeam" /f
...3 Replies
do you see the game in volume mixer?
which makes me think its my voice meter thing but litteraly nothing has changed with my setup overnight.
im a software dev so its confusing me why it suddenly stopped. i was playing like 12hr ago with the exact same settup
try performing settings hard reset
1. delete the game
2. search for
, open it as administrator and run next commands:
reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\BattleBitDevTeam" /f
del %appdata%\BattleBitConfig.ini
3. reboot your pc
4. install the game