Lag Issues from South American Servers

i used to have my ping around 100-110 in south america servers and maybe some will think that's high but i play every game in that connectivity range, the thing is that one of this days something happened(i don't know what exactly) and that number increased to 200-300 with no reason, i tried a lot of possible solutions, even WARP cant help me
4 Replies
pewpew12mo ago
I have same problem, but i'm playing on EU servers. Its just number, i dont feel any lags or drops, but after minute server was kicked me for high ping. Im played week ago without trouble with normal ping between 90-100
kevonOP12mo ago
I am still waiting for the bot to response or some mod o anybody that could help me, the game is unplayable and i am not the only one in this specific case
BeingZur12mo ago
Same for me, used to play with 40-55 ping no problem, don't know what has changed, but now i get 150 ping no matter what, feels a lot worse to play sadly.
Branko11mo ago
I had the same issue, i am from Chile, i have been always play on BR servers with like 60 ping, now for no reason i have 256 ms even when the server list windows says that i had 60 ping, but when i enter on the server , press tab and check my latency, says arround 250 ms, any solution there?

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