Is This major update coming?

I wont wanna seem impatient and I'm not. but is the dev team just like hyper focused on working on the update or have the silently stopped?
4 Replies
Omagula3w ago
As far as we know they are still working on the update I get the feeling we'd know if they stopped
Xewtra2w ago
I think they're remastering battlebit remastered so just wait
Palma Bolp
Palma Bolp2w ago
Upcoming update is a major overhaul that is currently in QA (quality assurance) testing and bugfixing stage. There is no official release date yet. If you are curious about what is coming to the update, here is a link to a list of what we know is coming so far, alongside the respective proof that it is infact real: . More will be revealed once the community manager TerminalIntel gets the green light to do so.
FoobyDude2w ago
can't wait for Battlebit Remastered Remastered: The Remake

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