Getting the red bars of death

Every time I played the game (and ever since I've gotten it) I get soft kicked from servers with red network bars on the left side of my screen. I messaged modmail and worked with them up until the point I sent the requested MTR and heard nothing back for a couple days now after following up a few times. Not sure where else to ask unfortunately 😦
5 Replies
i'll remind about you to our hosting provider so they can look at your ticket ASAP, meanwhile could you try warp as a temporary solution? all you need is to install it and enable
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display nameOP12mo ago
Thank you! I'll give warp a shot, but the issue is entirely isolated to battlebit and outside of the intermittent issue my network performs very well thanks for the tip update, support told me to contact my isp because of "50% loss" on one of the hops. I was pretty sure that's not an issue because there's no loss on the destination ip, but I gave the benefit of the doubt and contacted the ISP. ISP confirmed my suspicion that as long as the first and last hops are good, the issue isn't with the network. I mean, how could I do anything on my network if I had 50% loss? not sure where to go from here gameplay is totally fine until 10-15 minutes in. I haven't timed it yet, but I'm sure I'd find a correlation pretty quickly. I can give it a shot if you think it's worthwhile I'm also following up here because I don't want to wait another couple of days for the support channel to respond after a few instances it seems to be around the 5-8 minute mark. I can still see players moving with great rubber banding, and I can hear voice chat clear as day i don't need to restart the game to reconnect, i simply leave the server and join back
heaven12mo ago
if official game support already answered you that problem is on your side, no one here would help you but yourself
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display nameOP12mo ago
they didn't really say that, they suggested it might be on my ISP's side but loss in a since hop on a traceroute doesn't indicate dropped packets, it's just saying the router behind that ip doesn't always respond to ICMP requests. if the traceroute was indicating what they claimed it was indicating, the traceroute would drop packets on the destination IP i also don't have the opportunity to confirm this with them as they're entirely unresponsive. it required @[𝚁𝚄|𝙴𝙽] 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚎 reaching out to them directly to get any sort of answer at all after 4 days, which is quite disappointing
Apachai11mo ago
I have this same issue. Some times I get to play a full match some times I get 5 mins then I am just floating in limbo unable to interact with things due to high latency. Which can so far only be fixed by reconnecting. I would like to be able to stay in a match an gain a nice placement on the score board instead of having to restart everytime maybe even on the oposing team and lose all progress.

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