Unable to join SFW Asia server
For some reason I am unable to join the SFW Asia server. Its only this server that I can't join which would normally be fine but OCE is dead so I'm forced to play with 250ms+. Does anyone know how to fix this isue?

7 Replies
@[SFW]topper do you guys have any restrictions on who can join and who can't? like firewall rules probably
idk if this is relevant or related but I've had higher ping recently on the sfw server.
300 ping instead of the normal 200
yeah, my issue fixed itself but now i also get 280ms when i used to get 170
Maybe they changed server location or are using less powerful hardware. I hope they figure something out.
no issue, no restrictions. it might just be the internet routing etc. been going nuts since half the world gone crazy with all these underwater cable incidences.
asia server has a higher ping for me than usa . usa ping is around 190 to 260 with asia 300. how am i supposed to play any games in oce when i get booted from usa servers while no oce server populate or are empty, this game was good but now im am tired of not being able to play . i played that much since i got it i cant get stean refund even if i wanted to
the high ping on sfw is due to weird routing, a vpn/tunneling software should fix it but due to the declining playerbase youll likely only be able to play reasonable games on the us servers