reverse mousewheel zeroing

how do i reverse zeroing bindings (that are used with zeroing mod)? i see zeroing increase and decrease but they seem to be alternative bindings
6 Replies
you might be out of luck, I think the holding alt bindings are hard-coded but not sure. i personally don't use scroll wheel for switching weapons, so I bound scroll directly to the alternative zero increase/decrease, but that's just me.
NoahTheLegendOP3mo ago
Revian3mo ago
You can remove the option to press alt for zeroing, as well you can have scroll down zero increase and scroll up zero decreases or vice versa. It will be in settings>key binds. Just remember to take switch weapon off scroll wheel just like fish mentioned.
Revian3mo ago
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Revian3mo ago
setting>key bindings>loadout set both of these to none. Setting>key bindings> weapon: set zero increase to scroll wheel up/down and vice versa for zero decrease. set zero adjustment hold key to none
NoahTheLegendOP3mo ago
i already use that for sight changing

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