Freezing 3-5 Seconds 15 minutes into gameplay then it stops
Hey so i just got the game and i fell in love with it, the only issue i'm having is when i start it up
for the first let's say 10-15 minutes into online gameplay it sometimes freezes for like 3-5 seconds, i know it's not my specs i'm running a 3060 RTX and a Ryzen 7 6800 with 16gigs of ram and it's on an SSD
Any fixes reccomendations?
4 Replies
what's your virtual memory (pagefile) size?
Thats my problem too i have quadro p4000 i7 32gb ram
I also have this problem all the time the game crashes, I tried to see the fps and suddenly the fps go from one blow to the bottom that you can't even play you have the same specification of the person who would have threaded, any help?
Try nvidia drivers 551.86, latest ones gave me a lot of problems in multiple games (freezing, crashes, etc)