My girlfriend keeps getting "Kicked by anticheat" midmatch every time we play.

This happens only in battlebit. Every other EAC game like Apex runs just fine for her. We tried everything. Reinstalling the game, verifying files. Deleting every instance of EAC from her PC and reinstalling everything from scratch. She'd get kicked after 5 minutes of playing. Today we played apex and since she deleted every instance of EAC it asked her to download it again. After that we played some Apex and it ran fine. After that we tried Battlebit again and instead of getting kicked after 5 minutes, she got kicked out in 20 minutes instead. This also seems to be not just a us issue since I'm seeing some post on reddit having the same issue. Some logs that might be relevant: First image is from the log of the last session (that took 20 minutes before it kicked her) in AppData\Roaming\EasyAntiCheat\service.log The second one is the the log from the EAC Fix Batch from Battlebit Troubleshoot My game runs just fine btw. The kicks only happen to her. My OS is Windows 10, hers is Windows 11
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Ok we just tried. She simply closed autohotkeys and we played 2 entire matches without her getting kicked out. Thank you very much...
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37 Replies
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
The error message she gets kicked with
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Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago She went by this link and followed every step like 10 times now. The issue persists
ask her to: 1. go to 2. download BattleBitLogsCollector.bat (raw > RMB > save as .bat) 3. after batch script will finish collecting the logs, send BattleBit from desktop to @Modmail
GitHub - livingflore/BattleBitEACFix
Contribute to livingflore/BattleBitEACFix development by creating an account on GitHub.
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
Aight. Does she have to launch the game and wait until the anticheat kicks her again just in case?
ye would be great, leave the game before running the batch script
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
This is what happens when she launches the batch
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but game is installed right?
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
Yes, we played an hour ago
ok, could you reinstall it then?
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
Wiped the game's folder in steamapps/common and reinstalled from scratch Gonna try now The game crashed on start up 💀
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
Ok the .bat found the game
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
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Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
Ok the logger is done Gonna send the zip to the bot Do I need to specify anything for the person running the bot or..?
select ingame other category
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
Elaborate please?
when you dm the bot, it'll prompt you with selecting ticket category
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
Ah Aight
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
I think I fucked up
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Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
I sent the zip after that though
you should see the answer now
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
Thank you very much. We will try if it works tomorrow, it's too late
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :313mo ago
Ok we just tried. She simply closed autohotkeys and we played 2 entire matches without her getting kicked out. Thank you very much
Enon13mo ago
Same problem, for a long time. Annoying to the point that I'm currently trying to find what apps I'm forced to have closed while playing this game. It seems like I maybe have a suspects, but it also seems like I need to close them before launching the game. Otherwise, it looks like even if I eliminate entire task manager while the game is already running, I would still have this bug every hour or so. Is that possible?
Enon13mo ago
you need to close it, remove from startup and reboot your pc after that it should be good
Enon13mo ago
the game is looking for it in startups too?
no, but if you keep it there, it'll simply run itself on system startup and you wouldn't be able to play without kicks
Enon13mo ago
I'm using the ahk more than I'm playing this game, I'm not removing it from startup. If the ahk is the reason of these kicks, how exactly the game is looking for the ahk? The problem should be fixed if ahk.exe is missing from the task manager?
not really but give it a go
United13mo ago
THANK YOU. And F*** EAC. I have AHK running to have a simulated f13 + arrow keys for media controls. I couldn't figure out what was causing this 💩 to keep kicking me. Will try to implement sth that auto kills the script as soon as battlebit is launched 2024 and media controls = anticheat kick. SMH
Silly Nika :3
Silly Nika :3OP13mo ago
tbf (from what I heard at least) AHK can be used to make macros with humanly impossible inputs which would be an advantage over other players through the use of external software aka literal cheating so kinda makes sense that it gets flagged. AC can't know that you're only using it just for media keys and just assumes the worst case scenario.
United13mo ago
heard that too but how hard would it be for EAC to simply let me know WHY it keeps kicking me or inscpect what the script is doing. if it runs once every minute it sure won't be controlling recoil Also there are several ways for it to attempt to find out what is being run. Of couse one could obfuscate it but there has to be a better way than to just outright prohibit legit players from playing. was kinda close to entirely giving up on the game for the time being that SUCKS. not just for the affected player(s)

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