Official progression server banning players for no reason.

Hello, a group of servers called "PBSgameteam" is banning people for literally nothing (Probably because the admins got killed by them) And then saying BS like "racial comments" and refusing to elaborate
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14 Replies
WørseThanApeSKOP10mo ago
And Also they ask for "video evidence" of us not saying anything like we´re recording the gameplay 24/7 Completely stupid and in my opinion it´s ruining the battlebit´s image
PBS servers are not official, they're community servers with official progression, we're not handling bans and appeals of community servers in any way, but probably @Pigeon has something to say about it
Pigeon10mo ago
Good Morning @WørseThanApeSK, As stated through our discord. All community ban appeals from PBS are dealt with on our website and users need to allow a minimum of 24 hours for a response. (See screenshot attached)
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WørseThanApeSKOP10mo ago
Tbh i dont care if im banned over there, no point playing anyways if im gonna get banned for no reason but Someone new joins their servers and also gets banned for no reason? Thats headed straight to the refund section and a bad review, but thats not up to me.
Pigeon10mo ago
All bans issued by us, are within specific reasonings and we don't ban users lightly. You have appealed your ban, and you need to allow time for this to be reviewed. This ban only means you are banned on Powerbits Gameteam and not on the entire BattleBit Remastered platform. If you believe you have been targeted by myself, or another community admin from PBS or felt harassed, please reach out to the staff team here via @BattleBit ModMail. Regards, Pigeon
my friend got banned from pbs for cheating but she definitely got snapped for no reason I figured that's just how it is 😭
WørseThanApeSKOP10mo ago
well you know, you didnt record the last 24h of gameplay so you dont have proof But well, theyre ruining the image of the community not us :SR_joeshrug:
i can't understand one thing, where did PBS ask you for recording of past 24hrs gameplay? am i blind or they just told you to wait 24 hours so they can process it that's it and it's likely won't even be 24 hours until you get a response
WørseThanApeSKOP10mo ago
they were talking to my friend in the in-game chat "If they don´t have a recording of them not doing it, then they should wait the ban out" or something along those lines but tbh idc anymore, more server admins like theese will appear and then yall will realize what´s my point
Pigeon10mo ago
This is incorrect. The true phrase was this. (See attached below)
00:28 (All Chat) Admin ∑ Pigeon: Video has been provided including their previous chat history has been negative (∑ Pigeon).
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Pigeon10mo ago
A response was made on the ban appeal 1 hour after the initial appeal came in. You would have received an email of this and it is your obligation, yourself to review this in a timely manner. Good Afternoon, Thank You for providing that information to us; If your friend wasn't cheating and believe they have been banned on false pretences then they should create an appeal on our website (which can be found via the in-game ban message, alternative you can contact me for the link as well). We do not ban users without evidence for anything that happens, including cheating reports. Additionally; all bans for cheating, or for a prolong period of time are additionally reported to the BattleBit Remastered Staff Team via @Modmail. Powerbits Gameteam pride ourselves in being number 1 for the EU region on BattleBit Remastered, along with being in the top 5 communities in other games. We have been running for over 18 years and continue to strive for success and transparency. If there is any further issues or concerns in regards to this or other issues. Please contact me through my Direct Messages. Regards, Pigeon
Julgers10mo ago
changed title to be a bit less misleading
WørseThanApeSKOP10mo ago
Pigeon10mo ago
We can confirm that this has now been dealt with on our side and the appeal has been closed. If there is any further issues or concerns regarding this or other issues, please contact me via my Direct Messages or alternatively through our website. Regards, Pigeon

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