I can't join server...
I try to join any server in this game... but i can't. My connection is awesome like my pc.
I try to reinstall game, eac, Check antivirus, reinstall c++ add game to firewall... nothing happen...
I play from italy in eu server
21 Replies
why do you can't connect? is there some specific error you see?
See it
does this happen for all servers you try tp join?
or just that specific one
remove "cFosSpeed" ("Gigabyte Speed") program
Gigabyte speed?? Uhm.. where? I think i dont have this program
Uninstall or remove apps and programs in Windows - Microsoft Support
Uninstall or remove apps and programs in the Settings app.
No bro
I dont have this app...
look for "gigabyte speed" here
there's nothing bro
download logs collector batch script, run it and after it is finished, send
BattleBit Logs.zip
file from desktop to @BattleBit ModMail ("Ingame Other" category)i sended
i don't see your ticket, did you select a category?
a network
no, that's a wrong one
what i need to do