Re-open [Server Whitelisting]

Many of us are near (or beyond) the point of not having populated servers which we can access (largely due to ping restrictions and diminishing player-count). Please re-open server whitelisting, or give us the ability to create smaller, locally hosted games a la TCP/IP style multiplayer hosting. Give us the means to inflate a life preserve for what little player-base there is left, and extend some bits to our OCE battlebuddy's - long since malinged by the locked-in server listings.
11 Replies
Omagula3d ago
unfortunately i don't think they'll open the whitelist until the update cos oki is ver specific over who he wants to let have servers :(
LowSodiumGamingOP3d ago
I know it's a long shot, but honestly... the alternative is letting the game die. quietly give us the ability to put together some different servers and fix the things that can be fixed (like setting more map rotations for SMALLER LOBBY SIZES cough hint hint cough.
Derpster3d ago
Wont happen. I already pushed for this in general and we have to stick to specific maps sizes per specific player cap sizes. Without going modded, wouldn’t be allowed. So either they use auto scaling (rarely works in anyones favor with this player size) or you hope people queue the right size Also you can’t just shift prio to community because prio will official first outside of when the official is down, so… :eShrug:
LowSodiumGamingOP2d ago
They did the backend work to fix session tokens or whatever misassignment was happening based on account IDs and weekly challenges... They should be able to make back-end changes which allow their servers (and ours) to change settings. I have no idea what all can be tweaked when hosting a server, but I bet there's a lot of pretty standard stuff already there based on the community server integrations to Discord, challenges, account metrics etc which we all see getting used. And whether or not it was pushed for in the past, the player count is still trending down and we're nearing another major break-point which will exclude entire regions from accessing a playable game. That alone merits re-opening the conversation.
Darth Jiggles
Darth Jiggles2d ago
Two shmoll notes. This is for troubleshooting support, suggestions live over here and I dont think any commentary, from anyone, at all, will impact the server whitelisting functions until atleast after 3.0.
LowSodiumGamingOP2d ago
"Game is about to not be available to me" is a server issue as well.
Darth Jiggles
Darth Jiggles2d ago
OCE players with no server over a year be like:
No description
LowSodiumGamingOP2d ago
yup. and I complained then too.
Darth Jiggles
Darth Jiggles2d ago
LowSodiumGamingOP2d ago
If they aren't going to make any attempts to allow people to continue using the thing as it is (even if effectively abandoned from the player experience perspective), that's scummy.
Derpster2d ago
I’ve been pushing upping ping limits for that reason. Bobs has a high ping limit that allows most people to play. E4gl sees people from OCE and Asia playing it Within the regions though - most have given up. Those that remain don’t want to play conquest all the time (which is what the community Asia and OCE regions are outside of the private competitive server). Opening a new community server wont fix how QM works either. It will always queue official first, and since most people on officials vote conquest.. you can guess why those not seeking conquest gameplay have no incentive to seed it. You want people hopping to SEA/OCE you gotta give them a reason to, this includes those from outside those regions. Devs have made it clear they want an official at all costs “slazing” the regions ended up killing them because simply put, those that seed often dont care for 24/7 conquest, and if they do want that, those players can just go to the NA/EU official :joe_shrug: Your best bet is probably which I know isn’t an ideal solution, but given the state of the game its either that or nothing until the update.

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