Rubberbanding and lag spikes on NA servers

Constant rubberbanding every 3 to 5 seconds getting kicked for connectivity. Game unplayable currently. Anyone else experiencing this?
13 Replies
dyrk11mo ago
the same thing happens to me too
ArmatusVT11mo ago
Yeah, the lag is making the anti-cheat kick me, despite the fact that I do not have hacks lol
StreamSiphonOP11mo ago
ArmatusVT11mo ago
I actually came onto the Discord to find out if others were having the same problem, because I just did a fresh install of my Windows and I've been downloading a lot of games in the background, so iwasn't sure if it was me or not
SeaHay11mo ago
I'm akso being kicked by EAC in community servers, and there's no officially running NA servers anymore so when I connect to a different region's servers it kicks me for high ping
there's no officially running NA servers anymore
there is, they appear on demand, currently one 64 server opened, they scale up automatically
No description
overall lags on community servers were caused by recent DDoS
SeaHay11mo ago
To rephrase, there were none with players, and it tries to periodically have you join a community server, which then boots you if you join
yeah because of DDoS
SeaHay11mo ago
Well okay then so how does DDoS get EAC to freak out on (I'm assuming) select players (since there doesn't seem to be this issue for everyone, and there were a whole lot of other players on the community servers I joined) Also, has there been any consideration of reopening server whitelisting, considering it'd be much harder to target hundreds of servers simultaniously, vs prob 70 or so?
community server loses connection to EAC server, and therefore game kicks you out
has there been any consideration of reopening server whitelisting
yeah, but currently devs are busy with the upcoming update
Terminalintel11mo ago
I will eventually create an API for my staff to resolve those.
he meant replacing ips in whitelist of already existing community servers

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