Privacy and enforcement issues

Hi everyone, I haven't followed up much on this game because of previously-noticed privacy issues I had with the conditions under which BattleBit is published. Nevertheless I would like to see if that has been reviewed in the recent past. Have the conditions about the recording of in-game conversations and the implementation of Faceit been revisited in the past 3 months?
6 Replies
Play2BReal14mo ago
nope no new updates with faceit if you have any privacy concerns do read the EULA/TOS there is a reason chat is recorded (only when you press down PTT button) and it does fall under GDRP
wollebay13mo ago
yeah implementing FACEit has been abandoned
flerson13mo ago
Hi there, you can read the current version of the Privacy Policy here: Voice chats are still being monitored if consent was given in-game (which can be opted-out on at any time) for moderation purposes.
JostormOP13mo ago
First of all, thank you very much for your answers. Secondly, I hope you don't mind, but I'd just like a pair of clarifications to complete my original questions: Are chats being recorded in no-progression community servers as well? How long are the voice chat recordings kept for at most? The privacy policy states it as "the length of the business relationship", into which I read "ad æternam", is that correct ?
flerson13mo ago
Hey there, thanks for your follow up questions.
Are chats being recorded in no-progression community servers as well?
Yes, all chat logs are logged both on community servers and official servers.
How long are the voice chat recordings kept for at most? The privacy policy states it as "the length of the business relationship", into which I read "ad æternam", is that correct ?
Voice chat recordings of players are only kept for the duration of an active report on our end; that means that when a player is reported and a moderator either rejects or acts on a report, the audio log will be removed and is no longer accessible. As long as you play the game and are opted into using voice chat, upon being reported, a voice log will be filed to us but is then removed once the report is handled.
JostormOP13mo ago
I see. This unfortunately means I will not be applying for hosting a community server, as I look very dimly - much like many others - upon relinquishing any moderation control to developers upon something hosted on my personal infrastructure.

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