Make sure you have installed EAC

it has been installed ever since the game came out, and happens every time I launch the game. I can use the repair and install EAC option but it only works for the first game launch and if i close and reopen it says EAC isnt installed
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16 Replies
Distilled Vinegar
Distilled VinegarOP9mo ago
Drivers updated and eveything is up to date
Трикс9mo ago
Не помогло
BattleBot9mo ago
:Info: I have a technical issue, how can I get help? Please, provide your Player.log & Player-prev.log files: * press - Windows key + R * Paste - C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\BattleBitDevTeam\BattleBit\ - Notice, that if your file extensions disabled, those files would be named just Player and Player-prev.
не вижу ошибки, попробуй с G: переустановить на C:
Трикс9mo ago
Сейчас попробую
Трикс9mo ago
На диске C
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попробуй переустановить редисты (оба) запусти установщик, удали их, а потом снова установи и перезагрузись
Трикс9mo ago
Не помогло
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зайди сюда, нажми "Download raw file", после чего запусти батник в любом месте и подожди, пока появится желтый текст, затем найди архив BattleBit (он будет на рабочем столе) и отправь его в лс бота @BattleBit ModMail (Ingame Other)
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Distilled Vinegar
Distilled VinegarOP9mo ago
did all that still doesnt work EAC is there in the files but doesnt launch with it
BattleBot9mo ago
:Info: I have a technical issue, how can I get help? Please, provide your Player.log & Player-prev.log files: * press - Windows key + R * Paste - C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\BattleBitDevTeam\BattleBit\ - Notice, that if your file extensions disabled, those files would be named just Player and Player-prev.
Failed to initalized anti cheat: EOS: Unable to get client interface double check vcredists, make sure you're launching the game with Steam or BattleBitEAC.exe and not BattleBit.exe

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