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All posts for Computer Programming - Seneca Polytechnic College
Quick question:
CPP weird undefined error
web322 recordings
Jan 4th Strike?
Coop eligibility
Winter Break
PRG255 - Advanced Programming
Academic Resources for STEM-like subjects
Drop classes before program change
Is there a Grade Forgiveness system of some sort?
Issue getting Lockdown Browser
DSA 456 class zoom link
retaking ipc in 2nd sem.
Worried about co-op
Has anyone taken the web524 course
transfer credits
University Transfer
suggest yt playlist to learn power bi
Can you share some tips on how to get a part time IT job?
Please help
BSD - Professional Option - DPS926
SIA CPA Sem 3 prof recs
Changing programs
Tuition deposit for returning student
new mouse idk what this do
how do i get appxmanifest
anyone good with command prompt?
I need to ask someone questions for a school project.
Contacting Student Adviser-Samantha Villamor
Changing programs
Got Charge
Entrepreneurship, 1st Canadian Edition book for DEN502
Study group for IPC144 September
Can I pay my tuition fees in installments in seneca?
has anyone taken PSY106, CUL286, and CUL342 courses?
Is the Markham campus good?
DSA notes link
C++ Backend - Remote Script Execution
CPP semester Early enrolment ?
proffesors for CPA sem 2 ?
CPA sem 2 Gen Ed course ???
Enrollment questions
Can I transfer credit from Seneca college to a German educational institution?
Course cost for summer term
how do i fix my bluetooth,when i search for bluetooth devices nothing comes
What are the easiest semester 2 courses?
how to not take summer semester?
C++ backend URL Routing
Urgent: looking for a PLC C2-01CPU
Offering JavaScript & Typescript exchange for English
Can someone with flutter knowledge help me?
#How can I select Professors for specific courses?
is ops102 a pre-requisite?
implementing the extended Euclidean algorithm
Taking the summer semester
Part time professional options
aps145 questions
Vpn Connection Failed
criminal psychology text book
Do I need to take WTP100 for co-op eligibility?
Need some peer advice. (CPA)
Laptop Recommendations for CYT
Course to Prio? (EAC/WEB)
Problem with ajax using jquery when sending data to php
ask about algoma accelerated cs program
How do I make a complaint about a professor?
Help in finding programming exercises online
DBS311 professor recommendation
dsa 456
Difficulty lv of osd700?
DSA 456 proffessor
Rate my Professors Guide for Second Sem based on Rate my Professors
Easy General Education courses to take?
ENG 106
How and what to study
Is WTP 100 needed for Coop?
Recommendations for CPA Professional options (again)
Professor recommendation for BSD
Professor recommendation for DBS211, OOP244, WEB222?
Trying to prepare for OOP245, DBS221 and SFT 221
Prof recommendations for semester 3 at SIA
is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
Prof recommendation for semester
which one should I subnet?
Prof recommendations for Sem 3 (Newnham)
Do you know about the Why is not working properly graphic displaying in VNC client.
EAC 297
How do you study Leetcode problems effectively?
Prof recommendations for sem 2 (SIA)
Study Permit Extension
Is anyone looking for a roommate, been looking for months for a room and no leads.
upcoming winter sem question
For domestic students, how much was your tuition and how much are you paying for classes?
Moving to Toronto.
Do I need to send an application to the Service Hub if I am graduating this semester?
Do most students in the CPA program end up getting a paid co-op?
I should take Online or In class
CPP compiler on linux
Is this a dumb idea?
Timer Control ticking slower than real life in C#
Can anyone list some of the hardest classes that I will be taking in CPA.
need to retake ipc144
Is it possible to remove the first item in a list in Python and still have O(1) run time?
COOP communication
I'm trying to complete a test however on my mac I'm not able to scroll down
Need Advice Choosing Framework
I am planning to study CPP at Senecada. Do you think I can find a job on campus as a laptop tech...
Help Needed urgently
where to put my focus first?
Have an upcoming unexpected surgery
What's the best way to memorize html elements?
Just got my visa approved, my course (CPA) will start form Jan..
Those who did co-op with the Government, how is it?
Why iterating through an array by incrementing pointer gives such output?
Language recommendations?
Capstone Project Ideas
floating point and fixed point
People who completed CPP, what now?
Can you graduate after a coop term?
What are the easier courses in sem 2
Does anyone have trouble connecting to matrix?
Any online tutor who can help me write my assignments?
what are these numbers in c language ?
why is this behaviour happening ?
CPA Hardware Question
where is the difference between these two file modes ?
Continuing my education from CPA to Bachelor of Science in Computer Science – Advanced Entry pathway
Is the gym at newnham free to use ?
Test Center
Theoretical question about renting a place.
Curious about Part-time CPA and how different it is
Do I need to upgrade my laptop?
How viable is a Macbook for this program?
Diversity of International Students
Wanting to take a course on AI and ML
AutoNumber VS Number
Co op Advice
Transferring to a different school
Has anyone done a Workstudy before?
Parking Situation at Newnham campus
Might Fail OOP244
Is there a tool that converts plain text to LaTeX in C#?
Can i have classes with only 5 minutes in between.
audio programming
want to print vector of vector
How much tution fee do I have to pay for the second semester of CPA?
Easiest GE courses to take
Laptop mandatory for class?
Transfering from Part time to Full time program
Recommendations for professional options (CPA)
I’ve got my IPC final exam next week (August 11), What should I do to prepare myself?
Java or C++?
General Education courses as CPA student
Course Schedules, hybrid courses
CPA /CPP curriculum?
Anyone know which courses this description on the CPP program website is refering to?
Is CPA program worth getting into given the job market?
Student onecard
c #include <unistd.h>?
Where to Start
About markham campus
Rank the best 3 pro options you had.
Switch from CPP to CPA
A question for the pass outs, working in the industry
Can someone help me out with this?
Can anyone help me with this?
Transfer Credit
Scheduling courses
What’s a Fall 2023 pro course that looks good on a resume?
Does anyone know how to download OpenCV 3.4.0 for C programming language on Fedora Linux?
any questions y’all have feel free to ask me I’ll answer anything
Prerequisites for BSD
ask for choice
4 Courses and Full time work
grad photos
Help with preparation for CPP in September
Seneca chess club?
Help me out?
linux kernel development roadmap
any good resources about raycasting
Is selecting BSD instead of CPA a mistake?
After my coop term is over should I finish my program or look into full time work?
Full-Time vs. Part-Time delivery for CPA
Can anyone help me out with this question? All my mates are getting diff answers so idek anymore.
Anyone have any Tutors that they recommend?
CPA program or Business Admin - Marketing program to bridge into Seneca's Data Science degree?
Ideas for a portfolio project
Question about convocation
Function in string
Help me out.
wait list
Seneca on campus housing
CPP Semester 4 Courses on the scale of difficulty
Do you have to pay full tuition fees for a single course?
Seneca off campus housing
Seneca Graduates give freshman advice
In-person online?
Coop work permit for International Students
application for graduation
Any Mac users in the program?
Discount/Offers for commuting?
what am i ment to do here
Question about General Education Courses
Is it realistic to land a COOP job after the 3rd semester?
Is OOP345 c++ or Java?
Are classes at Seneca International Academy just online classes?
What does it mean returning students?
new student starting CPP in may - need some help/share of experience
Anyone have Mark Meritt for WEB222?
BDA400 Introduction to Big Data
Professor Recommendations for Semester 4
If I secured a Co-op job this Summer do I still have to pay tution fees for the campus stuff?
where do yall live?
Prof recommendations for 2nd semester?
New CPA student starting in May: how should I prepare?
I got into CPA for May when can i start registering/enrolling for classes?
Is it worth to take 3rd year after returning from Co-op replacement?
Does the deposit for summer semester cover the following fall and winter semesters?
McMaster B Tech Software Eng
Seneca Residence Reviews
Computer Programming & Analysis to bridge pathways to Seneca's DSA, and Ontario Tech's CS degree?
Why can't I just return the string in my query function?
Machine learning tutorial
I'm confused and need help
Wtf does this syntax mean (CVI/opencv python)?
Why is my Oracle Group By script not grouping all the employee numbers together?
How boring is Programming in the long run, (Career wise)? Yes this is a serious question.
hi can anyone teach me/ help me understand the functional analysis for DSA456 course Labs
How do you call a base template class function from a derived template class?
how hard is oop345 on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the hardest
What's the difference between Newham and International academy? (for CPA/CPP)
anyone in their 3rd semester want to form a study group?
Why is my program saying I didn't implement my friend insertion operator?
Accepted to CPA, CYT, and CSN for May 2023 (Mature Student Status)
Starting at SIA summer 2023
Got offer letters from CAA and CYT
fall 2023 CPA is full. what do i do 💀
KVM switch recommendations
Why am I getting a linker error with my global variables?
how difficult is it to find a job with a computer programming diploma?
One of my desktop’s computer fans is not spinning properly
APS145 and IPC144
Is CAN118 gen ed course easy?
Favorite Component Frameworks?
What laptop do you use for CPPCPA?
I've been a dedicated Mac user all my life, but apparently Windows is better for CPA. Which one tho?
college or master degree?
Can anyone recommend which version of Java I should use when setting up a dev. environment?
Any good primers for implementing a Java based interactable 3d model for a Website?
How many teacher do you think is bad in cpp or cpa.
seats available
Anyone know good in-person DBA certification courses?
I just wanted to get a head start in IPC144. So what IDE do you use for programming in C language?
enable virtualization
Anyone take Harvard's CS50? How does it compare to IPC144?
How many hours per week do you spend on studying and assignments?
Do you guys have any terminal suggestion for Ubuntu?
is UIUX Design position eligible for CPA co-op?
If I paid the $500 deposit for the Fall Semester, Do I have to pay again for the Winter semester?
Processing times for international applications - CPP Fall 2023
Transfer experiences from CPA to CPP?
Working with server side rendered content in angular
question about online synchronous
Professor Recommendations for JAC444, BCI433, and SYD366?
Windows PC shutting off immediately after boot (NON CODE)
How do you call function from a JS file in HTML?
Is a scientific calculator needed for cpp?
Can Seneca CPA be taken completely online?
Professor Recommendations for Semester 3?
How do you call the overloaded index operator from a derived class?
Why is my program saying I don't have an overloaded operator but I implemented one.
I don't know why my program is saying I inputed the value 1 when I didn't
Why is my program jumping into the copy constructor and wiping out my data?
Is this the proper way to count the number of newlines in a file?
What does it mean by sets the Object to not be original?
Why does ensuring a minimum bit-size matter?
What happens if you fail a professional course?
Propositions and truth tables`
Need help with hw
Should I be using the results variable any where in my code?
question about operator bool() const
Broadcast Domain Testing
can anyone explain to me why this is wrong?
function return..
Why does my program say my class doesn't have a member function?
Why is my cout formating not working?
why can't I use cinRef.getline()?
Not sure why I am getting a segementation fault in the matrix but locally i can run my program
Anyone here transfer or planning on transferring to a degree program after CPA?
How do i cut off this long string? with cout
How do i store a cin value to two different variables?
how do you check if cin fails?
Why doesn't my Regex match with the given example?
Help nullptr
My sort function is working but it doesnt match the exact way the matrix checker sorts.
Uniformly Distributed Random Function in c?
How do i debug Memory leaks
Seneca computer programming
Not sure why I am getting an error here
I dont know why i am getting a segementation fault here
Not sure why I'm getting a linker error
Ayy nice, y'all are finally using the forum feature!
Help me?