Any Mac users in the program?

I bought M1 Macbook Pro 14' last year, hoping I will be using this in the school to code. Unfortunately, I heard it's best to use Windows in CPA/CPP program due to Mac not being compatible with Seneca's software. If this is the case, I was thinking of installing Windows on Mac with the use of Virtual Machine. Has anyone tried this at all? tldr: Is it possible to use Mac in the program or will I suffer a lot from using it?
15 Replies
shmerg2y ago
Dude don't stress that much about it. It's not worth buying a WHOLE other machine for this program. Especially one that has specs you already have. I know people who have Macs throughout the program, some regret it a bit, but at the end of the day you can make it work. Most things you'll end up doing probably won't be "windows only" and if there are any slight exceptions, you can always find ways around it. It makes virtually zero difference to you completing the program or not. I have legit seen people with non-apple laptops have macOS or similar shit. 100% NOT a deal breaker. An inconvenience? Definitely, but in the long run it isn't a huge thing. Only suggestion is to get some practice or learn how to run code properly on your laptop if you haven't yet, essentially prep it for coding purposes (which macbooks can be great for) tldr: yes it is very possible. it will be inconvenient at times, but not a deal breaker. lots of great coders use macs and so do many in this program. try to prep in advance though.
MDLOP2y ago
Thank you for your kind explanation! I do have a Windows gaming laptop I bought 6 years ago but it is way to heavy to bring it to the school so I will just use my Mac as you suggested. As long as there won't be a problem when submitting assignments online, I guess I won't have a major problem with it!
shmerg2y ago
Do whatever you want, both work. Just swapping back and forth between them if you plan to do so might get annoying because of being used to the other I'm assuming. Other than that though smooth sailings. Shouldn't be a problem at all, just a few small bumps here and there to work with. Nothing I would spend hundreds of dollars over though
xtension72y ago
I did all my code and compling on VS code on mac. Some of my friends used xCode and the 2 major problems i ran into was with CPR activities near the end of semester where you have to use VS and near the end of IPC where we need .h and .c files and compling them.. but i figured it out so yea
arjun.d3v2y ago
I used a MacBook so far, didn’t have any problems. For c/c++ I used Clion, everything else I used VSCode
ikeaplant2y ago
if you wanna tinker with docker it is pretty code, as tango said, clion/Xcode is pretty good too however sft221 currently is heavy on Visual Studio, and not supported on Mac for C/C++ apps
gooch clencher 72
@ikeaplant what testing library are they using for sft221?
ikeaplant2y ago
whatever Visual Studio on Windows uses nice lat spread brother
gooch clencher 72
Lol. Yeah if they’re using CPPUnitTestingFramework that’s gonna be a cooking for mac
ikeaplant2y ago
its prob that idk if they allow clion or Xcode testing cause we had to zip and hand in the entire VS project
gooch clencher 72
Yeah the profs might be too stupid to grade without A VS sln Idk why the hell they use that retarded testing lib, I’ve never seen anyone use it irl lol, shoulda just picked gtest Or make you write your own Even better
ikeaplant2y ago
yeah something universal or at least closer to industry standard because the "theory"/process of debugging is the same for all its actually being familiar with the tool(s) if anything i would suggest getting a windows for this program for 0 compatible issues because some instructors wont ever bother helping you with configuring your mac if you run into issues
gooch clencher 72
This is a fact @MDL def make sure u get windows VM tested and working in advance, just in case
ikeaplant2y ago
ya my sft prof was like "LOL gl" at least for my class the prof was like no gdb, xcode debugging lol even the final assignment MUST use VS
elmoworld__2y ago
#1 recommendations. I did this for a class where the professor had a Mac and couldn’t integrate dependencies into Mac so he used virtual matching Use GPT to ask “Can I use this on Mac? how?” Then go through the process with it. It’ll take some trial and error but after 30 mins with GPT you’ll have a successful process. Use the same chat thread for other problems with compiler problems. For GPU621 i did my research project on integrating C++, OpenMP, TBB, and MPI into Mac by just asking GPT. The professor had a Mac and taught the course for years and didn’t know the 4 lines of code that was required to integrate. GPT is under valued. Most c++ classes won’t cover mac integration cause it’s always changing. And good luck online. Either people know how to integrate to make and won’t share or don’t know and don’t bother to care. Also you can configure VScode to debug and compile your code automatically. Just ask GPT or. Message me I’ll make you a video

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