Might Fail OOP244

I got 80% in the Midterms, an average of 75 in the quizzes and workshops, I had submitted MS1-4 but I did not realize I had to submit MS5(atleast one part). I went through a lot of shifts at work trying to make some money, and tried to handle both messed it up. If I fail OOP244 in my 2nd semester, what does it do to my timeline to complete the program?
7 Replies
The Many
The Many•2y ago
It's definitely a keystone course where not having it will delay your progress through the program, since it's needed for OOP345 which in turn is needed for DSA456. https://students.senecacollege.ca/spaces/8/faculty-of-applied-science-and-engineering-technology/files/10026/cpa-curriculum-pdf That being said, I wouldn't beat yourself up over it. Mishaps happen and things don't always go 100% according to plan on the first go. As long as you keep moving forward and doing your best things will work out in the end. You might be able to take it next semester as a part-time course and waive the corresponding fee by doing "borrowed enrolment"; ask the student advisor about that.
Seneca Students
CPA curriculum.pdf
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NewGuy1139OP•2y ago
Thank you for your advice. I just got a reply from my prof that says if I can get a passing average then he will give me an INC. Then I get to submit the 5th part of the project. I think I need to get 60% in the final
The Many
The Many•2y ago
That's good news. You got this!
NewGuy1139OP•2y ago
I hope so. Thank you
Alex•2y ago
Good luck Mugdha I will chear for you
arjun.d3v•2y ago
i hope you pass the course, i'd be salty af if something like this happened to me lol
🗣•2y ago

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