Prof recommendations for Sem 3 (Newnham)
please tell me about your experience in sem #3. I am looking forward to choose good profs for this semester.
WEB322, DBS311 and SYD366
4 Replies
my personal picks would be
web: patrick
dbs311: clint
syd: cass
oop: hong (if you want to learn), madiha kazmi (if you don't care about learning and just want an easy passing grade)
Les King was aight for dbs311, he’s pretty straightforward - correct output and follow instructions, full marks. There were a couple points where a question was impossible to satisfy all requirements due to technical limitations, so my answer was explaining why - he gave full marks lol. Don’t expect much extra help from him, but nowadays ChatGPT will be a good place to ask when you are stuck. It’s very much a self learn class with him, but at least you don’t have to read his mind, his expectations are crystal clear
👍🏻 Thanks