General Education courses as CPA student

Hello all, I have some questions regarding General Education courses that we have to take as students in the CPA program: 1. Do we have to take 1 arts & humanities course, 1 social sciences and 1 chosen from either categories, so total of 3 General Education courses throughout the program to graduate? 2. Although it varies largely from courses to courses, how much time in a week do these courses generally take to complete assignments, tests and projects, if any? 3. Would taking Online or Hybrid GE courses save time? I want more time to focus on learning C++ and JS instead of spending hours on writing or listening to professors in GE courses 4. Based on your experiences, can you recommend any courses that were fun, easy and not time-consuming? OR give a list of courses not to take? 5. Lastly, would taking 2 GE courses in the 2nd semester along with 4 other required courses be overwhelming due to heavy loads of work? I would appreciate it if you can even answer one question!
1 Reply
CaramelCorn2y ago
1. Yes 2. Most courses chew up about 2 hours per week outside of lectures, depending on how you take to programming the programming courses may take much more weekly time investment than that. 3. Definitely take online GE courses, often you can skip the lectures entirely and wing it on the few assignments. 4. ECN230 was the easiest gen ed I've taken, FLM278 was a decent intro film class, not too much work, feminist studies was harder than it sounds 5. The gen eds don't add too much in terms of workload I've found. Might add some stress due to keeping track of assignments though.

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