Seneca Residence Reviews

Hi everyone! I'm an incoming international student this Summer 2023 term and I was just wondering if I can get any feedback/reviews about their stay in the Newnham residence because I might be staying there for my first year. It's getting increasingly difficult and expensive to look for off campus listings without being in Canada to check if legit or not. Thank you!
4 Replies
lilrenzy3y ago
I started last September and It’s better than i expected. Met a lot of good people and made a lot of good memories too. Sometimes you’ll hear a lot of noise from other people in the building but that’s kind of expected. The only downside really is there’s no personal stovetop there’s only the community ones. And the fire alarms can be pretty annoying lol. But overall it’s great and if you find some friends on res it’ll be even better.
kaaderinOP3y ago
Thanks for this! Also I heard the rooms don't have locks? How's your experience with sharing a unit without bedroom locks?
lilrenzy3y ago
yea no coolio there isn’t really a lot of people in cpa/cpp that live on res so🤷🏻‍♂️ I haven’t had a bad experience without a lock, my roommate and I both kinda respect each others stuff. I also haven’t heard anything being stolen from my friends. But someone I know put a new door handle on the door (with a lock) so you could always do that and replace it before you leave🤷🏻‍♂️
🤖Fran2y ago
I lived in the residence my first year, for me it was ok but I would recommend you create an agreement with your roomie to clean the common spaces, that was the worst part of my experience (keep clean during the midterms ). At first, as the same as you, I was worried about the locks, but the residence take seriously the violation of the privacy. I think all experience varies depending on your roomie.

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