retaking ipc in 2nd sem.

Guys I'm taking ipc in the second semester.I have Cpp program. Could you please tell me, how I will catch up both OOP courses before DSA456. Will I have to study for extra four months after completing my 4rth semester?
3 Replies
Marcus6mo ago
Possibly, the core courses are very important. You could try to push DSA a semester and swap it with with APD/PRJ , although OOP my be a prereq for them as well. Reach out to the advisor!
gin6mo ago
Unfortunately this will delay most things. DSA456 has OOP3 as a prereq. So you would need to do IPC>OOP2>OOP3>DSA. So it would delay everything by 1 semester. The only logical solution to this would to be to take DSA456 at the same time as maybe OOP345, though you can't do this in person, you might be able to do it online.
KanishkOP6mo ago
Thanks for the response mate. But can I do OOP2 before my 3rd semester in my official study break?

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