Favorite Component Frameworks?
What do you guys use for your web projects?
I usually stick to google's Material UI as it looks pretty professional but wanna spice things up for a new project I am starting.
MUI: The React component library you always wanted
MUI provides a simple, customizable, and accessible library of React components. Follow your own design system, or start with Material Design.
16 Replies
https://ant.design/ Ant Design is less dry than MUI. It's hard to get out when you're stuck with MUI :))
Ooh I have seen this before, it's very static and too mature ðŸ˜
I just discovered https://nextui.org/
NextUI - Beautiful, fast and modern React UI Library
Make beautiful websites regardless of your design experience.
I am probably gonna go with this
Oh Next UI is literally NEXT Level
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yeah wow it actually looks good lmao I was waiting on Google to finish their Material You components for web but this will do for now
ya just pick one and move on
Material Design
Components – Material Design 3
Components are interactive building blocks for creating a user interface.
this is what I wanted, but so far they only have it for Android
they are still working on porting it to web
Ye, I've heard of it, I personally like it
It has dynamic coloring which is pretty cool, basically all components can re-color themselves depending on the background to better fit in.
Chakra, Mantine, Tailwind
+1 for tailwind & chakra
you were so right