Not sure why I am getting an error here
I did some more debugging and im running into an error at this section of my code. This is the error i got, im not sure why. I think it might be because im not storing the values to the dynamic memory properly.

21 Replies
try getting rid of the size, just
new double

im still getting the same error
i didn't sleep last night so sorry if i'm missing something but i don't think your if condition makes sense

If the title and mark are both NULL (missing), then store and allocate them?
try just setting the result of the read functions to a boolean
and then use that as the condition
yeah this is what i did orignally but i still got an error

Oh I see, I’ll try that out
Any improvement? Sorry dinner arrived
Yeah sorry i went on a run I’ll try to run it, later tonight
yeah still getting an error
i did the debuggin again
and it seems my program crashes when i tried to delete the dynamic memroy

the program crashes right when i do delete aptr[i].mark
that block looks okay to me, can i see the actual m_mark when you first assign it?

the size of the string is not consistent and the memory is dynamically allocated so i think you have to do it like that
i think this can just be
ok now i can go throug the loop one time
but at the second iteration it breaks
hmm. check how it's counting up i guess. i have to run
ooh we debugging in here
I never notice these forum threads
maybe you can solve the last piece
i think that was all the stuff i could notice, but i gotta go
night o/
I figured it out thanks for the help @the.many