McMaster B Tech Software Eng

Hi guys, anyone knows the gpa for this one ? This is my last semester in CPA and prj666 is the only one left. I have applied the McMaster B Tech Software Eng last year December. I got like 4 Bs, one C+, one B+ and one F. The rest of my courses are A or A+. Do you know if it is good to get the offer ? Thanks for your advice.
17 Replies
River Lilly🇬🇭🇨🇦
do you know what your overall GPA is? And what your semester gpa might be? An estimate? You need a 3.5 GPA minimum average to be eligible for their BTech degree
sd4888202OP3y ago
Here is my GPA, If we only talk about CPA, base on my calculation, I put F as 0, C + as 2.5 B as 3.0, B+ as 3.5, A and A+ as 4. Right now my GPA is 3.863 if I get A in my PRJ666 this semester(I think I am able to make it). Because, I also finished the 2 year international business in Seneca, For that one, my graduating gpa for international business is 3.3, if you combine my international business and my computer programming analysis together. It is 3.4 right now. (I think Seneca does not put my F in my Graduating GPA for international business). Any ideas ? Also I get an Email from them, are they going to release this year offer at March ? So far I get zero feedback from them. Anybody have experience to transfer from Seneca to McMaster ?
River Lilly🇬🇭🇨🇦
@sd4888202 your co-op eligibility will be based only on your overall GPA that relates to your computer programming and analysis Program. So anything you did before doesn't matter
sd4888202OP2y ago
Yeah, I hope it works like this way, so far it has no response, like no Email and nothing update on my MAC portal. It looks like they are going to sent some offers at March.
River Lilly🇬🇭🇨🇦
@sd4888202 So you already applied. Good. Are you in semester 6? of CPA
sd4888202OP2y ago
yeah, it is my last semester and I only have one course in this semester.
Amnish2y ago
@sd4888202 Let me know if you get a response. I am also planning to continue in that program in the future
sd4888202OP2y ago
River Lilly🇬🇭🇨🇦
@sd4888202 I feel like you are going to get accepted into the B.Tech degree. You have a 3.8 GPA in the program. I am asssuming you're working in your last co-op while taking that one last course. The McMaster B.Tech in software engineering technology has a fully online option, which makes things flexible You over-qualify for the minimum requirments
sd4888202OP2y ago
My full time job is not co-op, it is a permanent job. But it is a small company. I also work for Seneca as part research assistance, but the contract will be end soon. I can not quit my full time job, so it looks like McMaster is my only choice right now. Otherwise, I can apply other universities like Trent or Windsor. Base on what I know, if I get the offer in March it should be a conditional offer, because they need to make sure you get your CPA Diploma. I feel like McMaster should be harder to get in coz the minimum GPA is 3.5. Others like Trent or Windsor is 3.0. That is why I would like to know what is the actual GPA you need to get into McMaster. Anyway, I have applied, it looks like there is nothing I can do right now. I will wait for the result and let your guys know.
elmoworld__2y ago
Check your Transcript it will give you the GPA mcmasters will look at
sd4888202OP2y ago
Hi Obro, I think my GPA is 3.86 if I finished A with my PRJ666 this semester. thanks
elmoworld__2y ago
sd4888202OP2y ago
I got the final admission from McMaster few days ago. Here are what I have experienced. I submit the application last year December and wait for the response. Now, please remember to check your McMaster Application Portal. NOT your McMaster Application Status Portal. When I do Google Search, I always get into my McMaster Application Status Portal. In your McMaster Application Status Portal, you will only see your application is under pending, But in your McMaster Application Portal, you will see the document that they require you to upload. Sometimes, the document(s) does not make sense to you, you can Email them to see if there is an alternative choice. If you can explain it, they may waive this for you. After that, you will get the conditional offer to ask you to get the final transcript, after that you will just need to upload your final transcript to your McMaster Application Portal. You will get the Email for your final admission. My graduation GPA is 3.8 and I see someone post 2 years ago, says his GPA is 3.6 and get the admission as well. If you have any questions, you can message me. Good luck in your study.
split2y ago
Thanks for the update. Did any of your credits carry over? Or do you start from scratch?
sd4888202OP2y ago
I think I transfer it with two years. But, I am not 100% sure. I am going to pick up my student card this weekend. And I will ask their employee few things. Here is what I know the course list that you need to finish to get your degree, if I understand it correct.
Program: Software Engineering Technology Co-op (B.Tech.) - McMaster...
McMaster University’s Undergraduate and Graduate Calendars are its official repository for degree, program, and course requirements, along with the rules, regulations, policies, fees, and information about financial aid and scholarships.
sd4888202OP2y ago
Also, base on my research. It is NOT a standard degree, some of their courses are just Pass/Fail. If your final goal is to get a Master degree. Then, you may want to think the universities like university of guelph , windosr, Trent or Ontario Tech (I assume none of us want to start another 4 years study)and choose computer science. You do have a opportunity to switch from B tech to computer science in McMaster, but it requires you to have a decent mark. If you want to apply master with this b tech degree, you may need to do some extra work and I think it is not worth it.

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